dairy industry facts

The American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada said in 2003,” that properly planned vegan diets were nutritionally adequate for all stages of life, including pregnancy and lactation.”. 21,000,000 dairy calves are slaughtered for veal or cheap beef every year globally. Dairy farmers give cows jobs! Order and download the latest New Zealand dairy industry information, including Facts and Figures, DairyNZ Economic Surveys and New Zealand Dairy Statistics There is a lot of misinformation about dairy and, as a result, many people avoid dairy produc… A dairy is typically located on a dedicated dairy farm or in a section of a multi-purpose farm (mixed farm) that is concerned with the harvesting of milk. Homemade Peppermint Patties [Vegan, Grain-Free], The Most Epic Collection of Vegan Chinese Recipes to Help You Celebrate the New Year. Well, let’s hope that drink isn’t dairy-based, because the facts that you’re about to read may make you not just want to get that milk cleaned out of your nostrils, but right out of your life as well. Fun dairy facts about dairy farming and our beloved dairy cow: Did you know there are roughly 350 “squirts” in a gallon of milk? How about a dog? Cows can walk upstairs but not down because a cow’s knees are unable to bend the way that is needed to walk downstairs. Instead of “wasting resources” (feeding, sheltering), these cows are transported to factory farm feeding facilities to be fattened up, then slaughtered for meat. (1) “Calf Slaughter by Country in 1,000 Head,” Index Mundi: Animal Numbers. Like all mammals, cows must give birth in order to make milk. WORKING FOR A HEALTHY PLANET . Being publicly-funded gives us a greater chance to continue providing you with high quality content. Cows do not express the desire to work for humans or do something beneficial for humans, so it’s a little silly to argue that a cow is bored when she’s not being used for dairy or that she’s serving no purpose if we can’t get something out of her. MILK YOUR MOMENTS . Male calves, who cannot be raised to themselves become dairy cows, are slaughtered early on in life for veal, no dairy intake at all, and still manage to live happy, meaningful lives. The dairy industry is a key component of the economy on the island providing much needed employment spread across rural areas. Eliminating dairy from your diet doesn’t have to be difficult; in fact, it can be downright delicious. 21,000,000 dairy calves are slaughtered for veal or cheap beef every year globally. Make a choice to buy less meat (including fish) and fewer eggs and dairy products—or better yet, give them up completely. Just how much truth is behind this positive outlook on dairy? (5), 9. Copyright © | Free From Harm | All Rights Reserved. 1997. The Paleo Diet: A Parody of History, Science, Ethics and Common Sense, Sanctuary Life Reveals Who Chickens Really Are. What Should You Do With The Waste From Your Morning Coffee? Accessed 7/21/2014 from: http://www.usda.gov/nass/PUBS/TODAYRPT/lsan0414.pdf, (9) “A Value Chain Analysis of the U.S. On so-called humane dairy farms, cows are often taken within the first hour of birth as separation of mother and calf is considered less stressful when they have not been allowed to bond (see video clip below). What matters to a cow is their life, their friends, and their offspring. Journal of Dairy Science 74 (3): 1092-100, (3) “Colostrum Feeding and Management on U.S. The average American consumes almost 25 gallons of milk a year. MEMBERS LOGIN. The top five dairy-producing states produce over half of the nation’s milk, though there are dairy … From Mini Bundt Cakes Board to Cinnamon Apple Crêpes: Our Top Eight Vegan Recipes of the Day! Australian dairying is a $3 billion industry that employs 42,000 Australians and feeds millions everyday. Sign up for daily news from OneGreenPlanet. State of the Industry: Butter and Margarine in the U.S. State of the Industry: Cheese in the U.S. State of the Industry: Fluid Milk and Cream in the U.S. State of the Industry: Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts in the U.S. State of the Industry: Yogurt and Cottage Cheese in the U.S. REPORT CATEGORIES Feel-good dairy labels, like all humane labels, are merely so much window dressing. 3. (I’m sure there would be a lot fewer new mothers if this were the case!). (8) Their worn out bodies become ground beef and restaurant hamburgers. Not just get an infection or feel discomfort, but almost literally – explode. The dairy industry is the backbone of the veal industry – without it, the routine slaughter of calves could not continue. Cows don’t hold human values like needing to “make a living” or having a set purpose in life. 97% of newborn dairy calves are forcibly removed from their mothers within the first 24 hours. When people retort, “Well how do you KNOW that for sure?” just tell them to ask their mother if their doctor ever warned them of the dangers of self-explosion during their pregnancy. 2. The dairy industry has more than a few tricks up their sleeves to make you believe that consuming dairy products is just a normal, healthy, and friendly part of every person’s life. Dairy farming begins by making bulls ejaculate, typically using an “electroejaculator,” collecting their sperm and then forcibly impregnating female cows with the semen in a constraining device the industry refers to as a “rape rack.”. And please remember: all dairy farming depends on the exploitation and destruction of motherhood. The global Even without making a point on how 2.5 percent of the American manages to survive without drinking milk, it would be easy to see that milk is not some magic life elixir: lactose-intolerance has been common among the population for many years. Like any species, it is usually the job of the offspring to do the milking, not a third party syndicate waiting to sell your bodily fluids to fully-grown beings. Investigations at farms owned by some of the largest organic dairy companies like Horizon Organic have verified this.”. (7) Nowak RM. (3) The rest are removed in a matter of days. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. (2). We're here to help. Dairy Reports. The majority of dairy operations reside in the West and North of the country, with the top five dairy-producing states being California, Wisconsin, Idaho, New York, and Pennsylvania, according to 2015 data compiled by Penn State. (8) “Livestock Slaughter 2013 Summary,” USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2014. If you’re concerned about the creepy marketing, environmental damage, health risks, economic problems, or ethical issues that plague the meat industry, you can take action immediately. According to the latest report by IMARC Group, titled “Dairy Industry in India 2021 Edition: Market Size, Growth, Prices, Segments, Cooperatives, Private Dairies, Procurement and Distribution”, the dairy market in India reached a value of INR 11,360 Billion in 2020. The greatest amount of milk produced in one year was 59,298 pounds by a Holstein cow named Robthom Sue Paddy. Too many to count. The Spiked Nose Ring: A Symbol for All Dairy Cruelty, http://www.indexmundi.com/agriculture/?commodity=cattle&graph=calf-slaughter, https://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/nahms/dairy/downloads/dairy07/Dairy07_is_Colostrum.pdf, http://www.epa.gov/oecaagct/ag101/dairyphases.html, http://www.humanesociety.org/assets/pdfs/farm/hsus-the-welfare-of-cows-in-the-dairy-industry.pdf, http://www.delaval.com/en/-/Dairy-knowledge-and-advice/Cow-Longevity/Scientists-view-on-cow-longevity/Cow-longevity-economics—the-cost-benefit-of-keeping-the-cow-in-the-herd/, http://www.cggc.duke.edu/environment/valuechainanalysis/CGGC_BeefDairyReport_2-16-09.pdf. Tags: Ag Fun and Facts Today the dairy industry provides more than just milk and dairy products, it also produces nearly 900,000 jobs in the United States. Humans and cows are both mammalia of the animal kingdom, along with plenty other species who breastfeed their newborns. Milk Industry Facts And Information Did you know that there are more cows in Britain than there are people in Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester put together? 6. Accessed 7/21/2014 from: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/nahms/dairy/downloads/dairy07/Dairy07_is_Colostrum.pdf, (4) “Ag 101: Dairy Lifecycle Production Phases,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. For industry reports and statistics, information about farmgate milk pricing and data on cows visit Dairy Australia's website now. According to those who believe this, a cow needs to be milked or else she’ll explode. Your life would be incomplete without it! Milk! 4. To keep them lactating at maximum yields, cows are artificially and repeatedly and forcibly impregnated year after year. June is National Dairy Month. How many times have I heard this argument? The dairy industry is the backbone of the veal industry – without it, the routine slaughter of calves could not continue. Vote with your pocketbook. Dairy cows are impregnated via a method called artificial insemination (warning: the terminology used by the dairy industry deals with phrases related to sexual assault). (4). The constant cycle of forced pregnancy and birth creates a huge surplus of calves. In this economy, who can turn down that offer? Animals Eat Other Animals, So Why Shouldn’t We? It is “a complex of enzymes produced in any mammalian stomach, and is often used in the production of cheese.”. Accessed 7/21/2014 from: http://www.delaval.com/en/-/Dairy-knowledge-and-advice/Cow-Longevity/Scientists-view-on-cow-longevity/Cow-longevity-economics—the-cost-benefit-of-keeping-the-cow-in-the-herd/. So here are ten things the dairy industry doesn’t want you to know. 8. Find out where healthy, plant-based sources of calcium come from here. Life for cows after the milk runs out Dairy Industry Funds ‘Research’ to Make You... 4 Reasons Why We Don’t Advocate for “Humane” Animal... Help Stop the Cruel Treatment of Chicks Heading to Slaughter! You want more of it! The unnaturally high production of milk leaves dairy cows susceptible to mastitis, a painful udder infection. Commercials and advertisements which sell dairy products focus on at least one of two categories: “low fat milk keeps you strong, healthy and active” or “high fat dairy products are a guilty pleasure.”, Yet each year, “USDA-managed programs spend $550 million to bombard Americans with slogans like these urging us to buy more animal foods.”. Get your favorite articles delivered right to your inbox! Dairy facts: Studies show that when consumed as part of a healthy diet, dairy can contribute to better bone health, and improve overall diet quality. Educate others by sharing information about dairy production with them. Read her in-depth article on how organic dairy is still “nasty” to find out more on how organic dairy is no ethical solution. Feeding dairy cows, sheep, goats and buffaloes requires around 1 billion ha of land, or 7% of total land on earth. Some may feel that the problem is too big, that there’s nothing we can do to change the lives of these animals. dairy industry facts videos and latest news articles; GlobalNews.ca your source for the latest news on dairy industry facts . Left school to help out mom and pop, uneducated and mad at the world. Don’t buy the humane myth. Supporting organizations like these, as well as relinquishing your support of the dairy industry, is the best and easiest way you can help abused dairy cows. But it doesn’t have to be this way: animal rescue organizations like Farm Sanctuary exist to give cows and other farm animals a life free of pain and exploitation. Beef and Dairy Industries,” Duke University Center on Globalization, Governance and Competitiveness, Feb. 2009. Our care for animals respects and honors the role they play in … Physical injury, disease and infection can occur as a cause of artificial insemination, especially if as the industry states the person providing insemination is not extremely careful and properly trained. 5 Alarming Facts About Cheese And Your Health, Homemade Coconut Sour Cream [Vegan, Gluten-Free], When Rescuers Arrived to Help This Homeless German Shepherd, She Cried Out Just Like a Human! August 16, 2018. Over 90% of U.S. dairy cows are confined in primarily indoor operations, with more than 60% tethered by the neck inside barren stalls, unable to perform the most basic behaviors essential to their well-being. Much of the industry is disorganized and some information is based on estimates because of the rural nature of this sector. all dairy farming depends on the exploitation and destruction of motherhood. Some female calves will join the milking herd. Strong farmgate milk prices tend to either slow the number of farmers leaving the industry, or even reverse the long-term trend. The fact remains that most Americans already eat an excess of animal products, high above nutritional recommendation. They typically spend the first 2 to 3 months of life confined in lonely hutches, fed a diet of milk replacer while humans drink the milk intended for them. Ever heard of rennet? Dairy is a source of livelihood for millions The dairy industry is both an economic engine and a source of livelihood. Ben & Jerry’s Clings to Dairy Industry As It Stumbles... Dear Dying Dairy Industry: It’s Too Little, Too Late. Most people think milk is perfectly harmless because cows aren’t slaughtered to produce it, but they are. The industry processes approximately 7 billion litres of milk per annum, supplied by 18,000 family farms, many of whom are owners of the primary business. 5. THE VOICE OF THE DAIRY INDUSTRY. Trapped in a cycle of forced impregnation, perpetual lactation and near constant confinement, most dairy cows’ overworked bodies begin producing less milk at around 4 to 5 years of age, at which point they are slaughtered. (6) In natural conditions, cows can live 20 to 25 years. The following “high welfare” slaughter of “humanely-raised, pastured” dairy calves was openly filmed for public television. August 1, 2018. Over the past 40 years the number of dairy farms in Australia has fallen by almost 75% to 5,213 in 2018–19. A dairy is a business enterprise established for the harvesting or processing (or both) of animal milk – mostly from cows or buffaloes, but also from goats, sheep, horses, or camels – for human consumption. Whether on factory farms, “family” farms, or small, humane-certified farms, male calves and surplus females are sold to be slaughtered for veal or cheap beef. There are approximately 49,000 dairy farms and nearly 500 milk processing plants in the U.S., with dairy farms in all 50 States and in Puerto Rico. British dairy farmers could fill 78 million bath tubs with the milk they produce every year Even so, virtually all dairy calves are stolen from their mothers within hours of birth in order to maximize profit. On a dairy farm, a farmer’s day begins and ends with milking the cows. The British dairy industry is worth £6 billion to the UK; 98% of people regularly consume dairy products; There are 1.84 million dairy cows in the UK; What do humans and cows have in common? The dairy industry is involved in everything from the production of fresh, condensed, and dried milk, yogurt, custard, but also products like butter and cheese.

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