elizabethan entertainment for the poor

Explorations & Voyages of discovery. Most people (rich or poor) left home as children to live in a similar household, to train for their adult life. Queen Elizabeth I was a skilled hunter, rider, dancer, poet and musician, and she admired proficiency in these areas in her courtiers. It was during this era that people blamed any unfortunate happenings on the work of witches ranging from an unexplained illness, bubonic plague, and death. Entertainment enjoyed by the rich and poor - For making notes 3. In 1591, London theaters were banned from performing on Thursdays because that was the day when bear-baiting took place. Tournaments, Games, Sports, Gaming and Gambling also played an important part in Elizabethan entertainment. The fear of the witches made Elizabethan superstitions … Rich and poor people in the Elizabethan era! They had more meats to enjoy like lamb, beef, pork, and rabbit as well as various types of fowl. Exploration & Voyages of Discovery & Drake summary. Poor Law, in British history, body of laws undertaking to provide relief for the poor, developed in 16th-century England and maintained, with various changes, until after World War II.The Elizabethan Poor Laws, as codified in 1597–98, were administered through parish overseers, who provided relief for the aged, sick, and infant poor, as well as work for the able-bodied in workhouses. Poor people called the groundlings, or penny knaves, were famous their love of plays. Previous Tudor monarchs had tried to get rid of the problem of vagrancy by punishing the poor. Bricks were another 'must have' building material of the day. See Also: 10 Facts about Life in Ancient Egypt. The poor did not share the wealth and Entertainment & Leisure in Elizabethan England. In Elizabethan England, during the times when plays were not completely outlawed, going to the theatre was the favourite activity of the masses. Court entertainments also provided a means for suitors to interact with the Queen, and gain her attention. The Elizabethan theatre. Moreover, the Elizabethan England music paved the birth of the Madrigal, Anthem, Masque and Opera. Elizabethan drama was the dominant art form that flourished during and a little after the reign of Elizabeth I, who was Queen of England from 1558 to 1603.Before, drama consisted of simple morality plays and interludes, which were skits performed at the banquets of the Queen’s father Henry VIII or at public schools at Eton. Tournaments, Games, Sports, Gaming and Gambling also played an important part in Elizabethan entertainment. Meanwhile, the wealthy enjoyed more options. Elizabethan Sports. entertainment the people of England endured during the Elizabethan times. There were two types of poor in England at the time of Elizabeth. The poor is a key topic within the Elizabethan course and it is essential that you understand why poverty increased during the reign of Elizabeth. Even though vagrancy (begging) was still punished, the government started to take responsibility for dealing with the poor. Different composers were famed like William Byrd (1543-1623), John Dowland (1563-1626), Robert Johnson (1500-1560), John Farmer (1570-1601), Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625), Thomas Campion (1567-1620), and Thomas Tallis (1505-1585). Leisure activities in the Elizabethan era (1558-1603 CE) became more varied than in any previous period of English history and more professional with what might be called the first genuine entertainment industry providing the public with regular events such as theatre performances and animal baiting. This article describes the entertainment on offer during a day out around the Globe Theatre in Shakespeare’s time. Poor people ate a lot of bread, fish, and cheese, but not much else. The Elizabethan poets, such as Edmund Spenser or John Donne, discovered the rich potential of the English language for simple, moving poetry. The diet was mostly made of beer, milk, cheese and bread. Henry VIII had ordered beggars to be whipped, for example. 2011-06-02 12:15:52 2011-06-02 12:15:52. they went to … Education in Elizabethan England. Worksheet to organise the different educations for different classes / genders . They would pay one penny to stand in front of the stage in an area called the open yard. Clothing was something the lower class didn't spend too much money on. Acrobat-they were known to do amazing stunt just to entertain peopleApothecary-dispensed herbal medicines which were created from the blend of plants, herbs, and roots.Astrologers-known as mystical being.They are skilled in reading astronomical bodies and relate them in every person’s life. 43 44 45. Entertainment gave people an opportunity to escape the hardship of their lives. A few Facts about Life in Elizabethan England 8: the diet of the poor people. Vegetables and fruit were rarely eaten by the rich because food that was grown out of the ground or on a tree was considered to be food for the poor. The poor people ate a small portion of meat for it was expensive. Beginning from early stages of childhood up to death, all people including men and women played a number of sports in a variety of ways. Death rates were high due to disease and people got very few days off work (only Sundays and occasional special days like May Day and Harvest Day). It was a time where people would gather together to drink and enjoy themselves. Entertainment in Elizabethan Times - CAP (Content, Authorship and Purpose) - using contemporary sources and interpretations 4. What did poor people do for entertainment in Elizabethan times? Facts about Life in Elizabethan England … Learn and revise about popular entertainment during Elizabeth I’s reign WJEC GCSE History Unit 1 Elizabethan Age with BBC Bitesize. Below are the lists of Elizabethan England occupations. It still distinguished between… Life for the poor in Elizabethan England was very harsh. The culture of court entertainment partly explains why the Elizabethan age was such a notable one for poetry, drama and music. Asked by Wiki User. •The biggest change in Elizabethan education was the creation of Grammar Schools (42 in 1560’s + 30 in 1570’s) ... •Some poor ‘bright’ boys were funded by money people left in their wills to educate poor boys. The Elizabethan superstitions have long been the most popular superstitions of all time. Top Answer. It is also important that you understand who the poor were and how the government dealt with the problem. In Elizabethan England your diet was based on your class. Sports and pastimes. I’m sure most people wouldn’t even think about the poor of this era and how the poor were getting poorer and poorer. Answer. The problem of the poor / Vagrancy. An Elizabethan’s diet was ruled by the calendar. But ‘fish’ included veal, game and poultry, and if you really couldn’t do without beef you could buy a ‘flesh-eater’s licence’, or get round the rules in other ways. What was life for poor people in the Elizabethan era? Five Men's Morris template board game 6. The lower class wardrobe mainly consisted of aprons, fitted sleeves, and partlets or neckclothes. Useful Websites / Links. But the poor people enjoyed entertainment from acting troupes, tournaments, dancing, trained animals, mummers (dancers), mystery plays, jugglers and strolling players. Elizabethan England enjoyed a variety of different forms of entertainment, including theatre, music and dancing. Leading playwrights of the Elizabethan era - Table 7. The rich could enjoy feasts, banquets and jousts whereas the poor could be entertained by travelling fairs with puppet shows or conjurors (magicians). In the Elizabethan era (1558–1603), there was a wide range of leisure activities entertaining both the nobility and the common classes. Elizabethan Theater is opposite from modern theater in many ways. The rich mainly ate sugary and unhealthy foods becuase rotten teeth and bulging stomachs were a sign of wealth. Life in Elizabethan England Elizabeth’s reign was seen as a ‘golden age’ of culture and exploration, but society was characterised by extremes of rich and poor. Sports and games were a way for people of England to relieve themselves from hardships of everyday life. This is because the lower class had to use their money smarter, and clothes were not their priority. The first was the impotent or deserving poor. Kirby Hall is an outstanding example of a large, stone-built Elizabethan mansion. Among these leisure activities were animal fighting, team sports, individual sports, games, dramatics, music and the arts Wiki User Answered . Some also ate homegrown vegetables and fruit. Therefore, when people had free time they wanted to use it. But the poor people enjoyed entertainment from acting troupes, tournaments, dancing, trained animals, mummers (dancers), mystery plays, jugglers and strolling players. Life Issues – Poverty in Elizabethan England When you think of Elizabethan England, you think of castles, queens, kings, banquets, and amazing costumes. It was built between 1550 - 1575, in the hope of receiving the Queen on her annual ‘progresses’ around the country. Video … Food and Drinks in the Elizabethan Era. Elizabeth took a slightly different approach. What was life for Rich people in Elizabethan era what is the elizabethan era? Entertainment in Elizabethan Times - listing different types of entertainment during the era 5. Music Any gentleman would be expected to play an instrument, such as a lute or one of the viols, which came in sets, or ‘chests’, varying from a small version of a modern violin through to an unwieldy version of a double bass. (After some quick and interesting facts on the Globe Theatre, or want to know the story about building the old Globe Theatre?). Bear-baiting was a popular form of entertainment where bears were tied to a post in a pit and tormented by dogs. Grammar Schools info for revision. When disease ravaged London, actors would travel across the English countryside, entertaining farmers. At the beginning of the 16th century many plays were based upon religious themes. Colonisation of Roanoke (Virginia) Documentary on Roanoke Mystery. Rich and poor Elizabethans enjoyed different sports and pastimes. Sample Decks: Key Issue 1 - Elizabethan Government, Key Issue 2 - Lifestyles of the Rich and Poor, Key Issue 3 - Popular Entertainment Show Class History Elizabethan England Theaters would compete with other entertainment such as bear baiting (which involved watching and betting on bears killing dogs. The blame was always placed on old, poor and unprotected single women, wise women or widows. During this time the population rose dramatically, and the … Continue reading Poverty in Elizabethan England The growth in participation sports like football, as well as spectator sports like bear baiting, bull baiting and cock fighting, was also evident, as was (via increased education and dissemination of information via the printing press) the growth in literature. Different schools / Summary. Upper class people had a different diet than the lower class people. These were called ‘morality plays’ and showed good and bad conduct. Life was hard in the Elizabethan era. Jousting •The upper class society also found entertainment in hunting as well as in fencing tournaments Drinking Conclusion In the Elizabethan Times, there were some days dedicated to feasting. What types of entertainment did they have in Elizabethan England? Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays were fish days, so was the whole of Lent and various other days – almost a third of the year. Fancy

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