female molly fish

i have on female Dalmatian molly and one male. Molly Fish Types and Appearances But I would suggest not. Female molly fish are usually larger in size compared to the male molly fish; Bearing female mollies have a more rounded abdomen; Males feature a copulatory organ in the anal fin called the gonopodium that releases the sperm in the female body to fertilize the eggs. The molly fish is in list of the genus Poecilia. Female Molly Fish will bear at least 20 live young Mollies, though they can have up to 60 live fry that they give birth to. The ratio should come in somewhere around three males to every one female. The molly is easy to breed. And do not try to sell or give them away as a pure breed. In considering the population of your tank, you’re going to want to balance the ratio of male Mollies to female Mollies. Only breed male guppies to female mollies. To breed molly fish, start by setting up a 15-30 gallon tank for them that includes decorations, a substrate, and freshwater plants. It’s important to provide a quiet, peaceful place for her to give birth. Then, purchase male and female molly fish so you have no more than 2 fish per 10 gallons of tank space. The female molly fish has a bigger size than the male. You can. Identifying a female Molly fish. if you do prepare for the worse you may lose a fish. I have a single female in with 3 mollies. Updated May 14, 2020 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media:. Mollies are active and social so they enjoy schooling together. Male mollies feature a more torpedo-like shape; Look for a pointed anal fin or gonopodia (a copulatory organ) The Molly is a tropical fish that prefers some salt in their water. It’s easy to spot personalities in active fish like these. Molly Fish Care. Female Sailfin Mollies also have a rounded caudal fin (anal fin), and they give birth to live fry in a short period of time. Female mollies have more bulk and are typically bigger; The anal end of females will be wider for breeding; Females will have shorter dorsal fins and triangular-shaped anal fins; Traits of a male Molly fish. Keeping one male with three females is the recommended ratio for breeding these fish, any more will create too many pregnant molly fish and too many molly babies as a result. Personality and Temperament Golden Sailfin Molly Fish are typically very peaceful fish, and they would do very well in a community tank. Aquarium Mollies are Fighting and Nipping. A shoal should be predominantly female since males are known to harass and stress females. They are including omnivorous type, it means they can eat every kind of fish’s food, like pellets, blood worm, etc. Be careful about male to female ratio. Not because of the betta, but because of the mollies. Because of their drive to breed, male Mollies need several females to keep their attention. Some will do good and some will not. Mind you this is a very passive beta. Is that enough? The female is larger in size but I don't want him to bother her about breeding like guppies do if only one female. I have other female fish 2 platys and 1 male platy. The size of the fry will kill the female when she is giving birth, if the female is the guppy. name). he doesn't bother the other fish just stays with perdy (female dal. Watching them for a while will quickly get you attached as you notice their individual differences. It’s hit and miss. If the female’s belly becomes extremely distended – assuming you know she’s pregnant – she’s about to give birth. After you introduce the fish to … A teaspoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons of water will go a long way in helping them. Male molly fish can stress out females with their constant pursuit. plus three neon tetra. Also, make sure that you have 1 male guppy to 4 female mollies ratio in your tank.

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