list of enlightenment thinkers

According to Hobbes, the sovereign must control civil, military, judicial, and ecclesiastical powers. The former fused the oratorical arts of humanism with a sophisticated theory on the relationship between cognition and the origins of language. Changing forces and shifts in power among different revolutionary groups eventually positioned largely independent Condorcet in the role of the critic of predominant ideas. [59] Lord Monboddo is most famous today as a founder of modern comparative historical linguistics. The First Treatise is focused on the refutation of Sir Robert Filmer, in particular his Patriarcha, which argued that civil society was founded on a divinely sanctioned patriarchalism. What did Enlightenment thinkers question? Generally speaking, establishing political liberty requires two things: the separation of the powers of government, and [78] Chambers was appointed architectural tutor to the Prince of Wales, later George III, and in 1766, with Robert Adam, as Architect to the King. Contrary to Thomas Hobbes’ views, Rousseau holds that “uncorrupted morals” prevail in the “state of nature.” In The Discourse on the Origins of Inequality Among Men (1754), Rousseau maintained that man in a state of nature had been a solitary, ape-like creature, who was not méchant (bad), as Hobbes had maintained, but (like some other animals) had an “innate repugnance to see others of his kind suffer.” He asserted that the stage of human development associated with what he called “savages” was the best or optimal in human development, between the less-than-optimal extreme of brute animals on the one hand, and the extreme of decadent civilization on the other. In 1765, he published his first work on mathematics, launching his career as a mathematician. T. M. Devine. [9], The humanist-inspired emphasis on education in Scotland culminated in the passing of the Education Act 1496, which decreed that all sons of barons and freeholders of substance should attend grammar schools. The English monarch clashed with Parliament leaders. She assembled an anthology of literary extracts “for the improvement of young women” entitled The Female Reader. Local banks began to be established in burghs like Glasgow and Ayr. Democracy implied free citizens and ignorance was the source of servitude. [37] Allan Ramsay (1686–1758) laid the foundations of a reawakening of interest in older Scottish literature, as well as leading the trend for pastoral poetry, helping to develop the Habbie stanza as a poetic form. Seemingly all films and TV shows we watch are different, but in fact they follow the same recycled formulas as in other types of consumer goods. Although his ideas and writings are considered to embody the ideals of the Age of Enlightenment and rationalism, they were much more radical that those of most of his contemporaries, even those who were also seen as radicals. Being a top private school we are dedicated to the education and spiritual growth of our students. Condorcet argued that expanding knowledge in the natural and social sciences would lead to an ever more just world of individual freedom, material affluence, and moral compassion. Vol. This is an essential feature of Rousseau’s educational and political philosophy, and particularly important to the distinction between private, personal relations and the public world of political relations. These ideas would come to have profound influence on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. "Why the Scottish Enlightenment Was Useful to the Framers of the American Constitution". Under his father’s pressure, he studied law but he continued to write, producing essays and historical studies. In 1792, he presented a project for the reformation of the education system, aiming to create a hierarchical structure, under the authority of experts who would work as the guardians of the Enlightenment and who, independent of power, would be the guarantors of public liberties. He believed that human nature is characterized by reason and tolerance, but he assumed that the sole right to defend in the state of nature was not enough, so people established a civil society to resolve conflicts in a civil way with help from government in a state of society. She advocates educating children into the emerging middle-class ethos: self-discipline, honesty, frugality, and social contentment. As a satirical polemicist, he frequently made use of his works to criticize intolerance, religious dogma, and the French institutions of his day. He died in 1704. It narrates the history of civilization as one of progress in the sciences, shows the intimate connection between scientific progress and the development of human rights and justice, and outlines the features of a future rational society entirely shaped by scientific knowledge. (ed.) The distinction between monarchy and despotism hinges on whether or not a fixed set of laws exists that can restrain the authority of the ruler. Robert Sibbald (1641–1722) was appointed as the first Professor of Medicine at Edinburgh, and he co-founded the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh in 1681. [clarification needed][22] In 1763 Edinburgh had six printing houses and three paper mills; by 1783 there were 16 printing houses and 12 paper mills. [84], The growth of a musical culture in the capital was marked by the incorporation of the Musical Society of Edinburgh in 1728. In opposition to those who relied on revolutionary enthusiasm to form the new citizens, Condorcet maintained that revolution was not made to last, and that revolutionary institutions were not intended to prolong the revolutionary experience but to establish political rules and legal mechanisms that would insure future changes without revolution. The private sphere as Rousseau imagines it depends on the subordination of women, in order for both it and the public political sphere (upon which it depends) to function as Rousseau imagines it could and should. "Morality and Feeling in the Scottish Enlightenment,". Beginning from a mechanistic understanding of human beings and the passions, Hobbes postulates what life would be like without government, a condition which he calls the state of nature. [18] By the 18th century, access to Scottish universities was probably more open than in contemporary England, Germany or France. Locke’s writings have often been tied to liberalism, democracy, and the foundation of the United States as the first modern democratic republic. Locke’s political theory was founded on social contract theory. According to Hobbes, society is a population beneath a sovereign authority, to whom all individuals in that society cede some rights for the sake of protection. Read 2,511 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Voltaire was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher, who attacked the Catholic Church and advocated freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state. He soon became an honorary member of many foreign academies and philosophic societies, but his political ideas, particularly that of radical democracy, were criticized heavily in the English-speaking world, most notably by John Adams. He also argues against slavery and for the freedom of thought, speech, and assembly. A list of some famous thinkers of the past, and the great thinkers of today. One of the first was the Easy Club, co-founded In Edinburgh by the Jacobite printer Thomas Ruddiman. According to Hobbes, society is a population beneath a sovereign authority, to whom all individuals in that society cede some rights for the sake of protection. Therefore, Locke argued that individuals enter into civil society to protect their natural rights via an “unbiased judge” or common authority, such as courts. It was also important to the French Revolution and the overall development of modern political and educational thought. Enlightenment thinkers argued that liberty was a natural human right and that reason and scientific knowledge—not the state or the church—were responsible for human progress. [6] The major change in international trade was the rapid expansion of the Americas as a market. [74], Scotland produced some of the most significant architects of the period who were involved in the intellectual culture of the Enlightenment. Scotland. Citizens had to be provided with the necessary knowledge to exercise their freedom and understand the rights and laws that guaranteed their enjoyment. He perceived the French bourgeoisie to be too small and ineffective, the aristocracy to be parasitic and corrupt, the commoners as ignorant and superstitious, and the church as a static and oppressive force useful only on occasion as a counterbalance to the rapacity of kings, although all too often, even more rapacious itself. Modern notions of visual anthropology permeated the lectures of leading Scottish academics like Hugh Blair,[58] and Alan Swingewood argues that modern sociology largely originated in Scotland. This view went much further than the views of other major Enlightenment thinkers, including the champions of women’s rights. However, with changing fashions there was a decline in the publication of collections of specifically Scottish collections of tunes, in favour of their incorporation into British collections. John Locke (29 August 1632 - 28 October 1704) was an English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers, especially concerning the development of political philosophy. Today, Wollstonecraft is regarded as one of the founding feminist philosophers, and feminists often cite both her life and work as important influences. He also notes that liberty cannot be secure where there is no separation of powers, even in a republic. "The rise and fall of the Scottish Enlightenment", in T. M. Devine and J. Wormald. Therefore, any government that rules without the consent of the people can, in theory, be overthrown. Although some estate holders improved the quality of life of their displaced workers, enclosures led to unemployment and forced migrations to the burghs or abroad. Rousseau died in 1778. He became a counselor of the Bordeaux Parliament in 1714. Despite advocating the idea of absolutism of the sovereign, he developed some of the fundamentals of European liberal thought. In 1751, the Catholic Church added it to its Index Librorum Prohibitorum (list of prohibited books). Rousseau was interred as a national hero in the Panthéon in Paris, in 1794, 16 years after his death. In Scotland, the Enlightenment was characterised by a thoroughgoing empiricism and practicality where the chief values were improvement, virtue, and practical benefit for the individual and society as a whole. "The Scottish Catholic Enlightenment,", Graham, Gordon. One of the most influential tensions in Hobbes’ argument is a relation between the absolute sovereign and the society. Locke never married nor had children. David Ure then minister to East Kilbride Parish was the first to represent the shells 'entrochi' in illustrations and make accounts of the geology of southern Scotland. Although Marquis de Condorcet’s ideas are considered to embody the ideals of the Age of Enlightenment, his support of liberal economy, free and equal public instruction, constitutionalism, and equal rights for women and people of all races distinguish him from most of his contemporaries. It brought political modernization to the west by introducing democratic values and institutions and the creation of modern, liberal democracies. [64], Other major figures in science included William Cullen (1710–90), physician and chemist, James Anderson (1739–1808), agronomist. Daiches, David, Peter Jones and Jean Jones. Though a few Enlightenment thinkers discarded religion altogether, most tried to reconcile their belief in God with science and philosophy. Besides writing works on society and politics, Montesquieu traveled for a number of years through Europe, including Austria and Hungary, spending a year in Italy and 18 months in England, where he became a freemason before resettling in France. After his father and uncle had more or less disowned him, the teenage Rousseau supported himself for a time as a servant, secretary, and tutor, wandering in Italy and France. Condorcet took a leading role when the French Revolution swept France in 1789. Rousseau’s philosophy of education concerns itself with developing the students’ character and moral sense, so that they may learn to practice self-mastery and remain virtuous even in the unnatural and imperfect society in which they will have to live. Even Mary Wollstonecraft, a British writer and philosopher who attacked gender oppression, pressed for equal educational opportunities, and demanded “justice” and “rights to humanity” for all, did not go as far as to demand equal political rights for women. He defines the state of nature as a condition, in which humans are rational and follow natural law, and in which all men are born equal with the right to life, liberty and property. Through a friend, Locke was introduced to medicine and the experimental philosophy being pursued at other universities and in the Royal Society, of which he eventually became a member. Observatories were built at St. Andrews and at King's and Marischal colleges in Aberdeen. c. [38] The lawyer Henry Home, Lord Kames (1696–1782) made a major contribution to the study of literature with Elements of Criticism (1762), which became the standard textbook on rhetoric and style.[39]. The idea of general will denoted  the will of the people as a whole. This, Hobbes argues, would lead to a “war of all against all.” In such a state, people fear death and lack both the things necessary to commodious living and the hope of being able to toil to obtain them. 1737). [33], In contrast to Hume, Thomas Reid (1710–96), a student of Turnbull's, along with minister George Campbell (1719–96) and writer and moralist James Beattie (1735–1803), formulated Common Sense Realism. Claiming to have found poetry written by the ancient bard Ossian, he published "translations" that were proclaimed as a Celtic equivalent of the Classical epics. She also advocates the education of women, a controversial topic at the time and one which she would return to throughout her career. In. In it, Hobbes set out his doctrine of the foundation of states and legitimate governments and creating an objective science of morality. In his criticism of the French society and existing social structures, Voltaire hardly spared anyone. Despite the controversial topic, the Rights of Woman received favorable reviews and was a great success. He perceived the French bourgeoisie to be too small and ineffective, the aristocracy to be parasitic and corrupt, the commoners as ignorant and superstitious, and the church as a static and oppressive force. In Scottish intellectual life the culture was oriented towards books. It also made the notion of progress a central concern of Enlightenment thought. Hobbes was the first modern philosopher to articulate a detailed social contract theory that appeared in his 1651 work Leviathan. Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) was an English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women’s rights. Enlightenment philosophy strongly influenced Jefferson’s ideas about two seemingly opposing issues: American freedom and American slavery. Influenced by Enlightenment thinkers, she believed in progress, and derides Burke for relying on tradition and custom. However, historians also note that Locke was a major investor in the English slave-trade through the Royal African Company. Two Treatises of Government, Locke’s most important and influential work on political theory, was first published anonymously in 1689. To him, ideal woman is educated to be governed by her husband, while ideal man is educated to be self-governing. Baron de Montesquieu, usually referred to as simply Montesquieu, was a French lawyer, man of letters, and one of the most influential political philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment. His’ conception of natural rights extended from his conception of man in a “state of nature.” He argued that the essential natural (human) right was “to use his own power, as he will himself, for the preservation of his own Nature; that is to say, of his own Life (…).” Hobbes sharply distinguished this natural “liberty” from natural “laws.” In his natural state, man’s life consisted entirely of liberties and not at all of laws, which leads to the world of chaos created by unlimited rights. According to Rousseau, by joining together into civil society through the social contract, and abandoning their claims of natural right, individuals can both preserve themselves and remain free. Montesquieu defines three main political systems: republican, monarchical, and despotic. Unlike many of his contemporaries, he advocated a liberal economy, free and equal public instruction, constitutionalism, and equal rights for women and people of all races. The Second Treatise outlines a theory of civil society. Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher and scientist, was one of the key figures in the political debates of the Enlightenment period. [13] Regardless of what the literacy rate actually was, it is clear that many Scottish students learned a useful form of visual literacy that allowed them to organise and remember information in a superior fashion. Marquis de Condorcet, was a French philosopher, mathematician, and early political scientist. In common with other philosophers of the day, Rousseau looked to a hypothetical state of nature as a normative guide. Consequently, if humans wish to live peacefully, they must give up most of their natural rights and create moral obligations in order to establish political and civil society. [82] Gavin Hamilton (1723–98) spent almost his entire career in Italy and emerged as a pioneering neo-classical painter of historical and mythical themes, including his depictions of scenes from Homer's Iliad, as well as acting as an informal tutor to British artists and as an early archaeologist and antiquarian. However, such statements of equality stand in contrast to her statements respecting the superiority of masculine strength and valor. A Concise Cultural History (Edinburgh, 1993). Voltaire was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state. According to Condorcet, for republicanism to exist the nation needed enlightened citizens, and education needed democracy to become truly public. Montesquieu withdrew from the practice of law to devote himself to study and writing. In addition, he participated in drafting the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina, which established a feudal aristocracy and gave a master absolute power over his slaves. In his criticism of the French society and existing social structures, Voltaire hardly spared anyone. Influenced by Enlightenment thinkers, she believed in progress, and derides Burke for relying on tradition and custom. Until the late 20th century, however, Wollstonecraft’s life, received more attention than her writing. Doing so would undermine its generality, and therefore damage its legitimacy. The debate continues among scholars over the disparities between Locke’s philosophical arguments and his personal involvement in the slave trade and slavery in North American colonies, and over whether his writings provide, in fact, justification of slavery. He also advocated governmental separation of powers, and believed that revolution is not only a right but an obligation in some circumstances. The first is the view that liberty consists in collective self-government (i.e., that liberty and democracy are the same). [35] This approach argued that there are certain concepts, such as human existence, the existence of solid objects and some basic moral "first principles", that are intrinsic to the make up of man and from which all subsequent arguments and systems of morality must be derived. As Leviathan was written during the English Civil War, much of the book is occupied with demonstrating the necessity of a strong central authority to avoid the evil of discord and civil war. [63], Colin Maclaurin (1698–1746) was appointed as chair of mathematics by the age of 19 at Marischal College, and was the leading British mathematician of his era. [16] These developments helped the universities to become major centres of medical education and would put Scotland at the forefront of new thinking. It was almost immediately released in a second edition in 1792, several American editions appeared, and it was translated into French. Rousseau became an early advocate of developmentally appropriate education. [61], One of the central pillars of the Scottish Enlightenment was scientific and medical knowledge. The Spirit of the Laws is a treatise on political theory first published anonymously by Montesquieu in 1748. [12] One of the effects of this extensive network of schools was the growth of the "democratic myth", which in the 19th century created the widespread belief that many a "lad of pairts" had been able to rise up through the system to take high office, and that literacy was much more widespread in Scotland than in neighbouring states, particularly England. He campaigned to eradicate priestly and aristocratic-monarchical authority, and supported a constitutional monarchy that protects people’s rights. Although Rousseau argues that sovereignty (or the power to make the laws) should be in the hands of the people, he also makes a sharp distinction between the sovereign and the government. His writings influenced Voltaire and Rousseau, many Scottish enlightenment thinkers, as well as the American revolutionaries. Describe Montesquieu’s solution for keeping power from falling into the hands of any one individual. Hobbes was the first modern philosopher to articulate a detailed social contract theory that appeared in his 1651 work. [90][91][92] The philosophy of Common Sense Realism was especially influential in 19th century American thought and religion. CC licensed content, Specific attribution,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_Fran%C3%A7ois-Marie_Arouet_dit_Voltaire_(vers_1724-1725)_-001.jpg,,,,,,,_or_On_Education,,,,,,,,,,,,, II: The Economic Consequences". His work greatly affected the development of epistemology and political philosophy. Locke’s conception of natural rights is captured in his best known statement that individuals have a right to  protect their “life, health, liberty, or possessions” and in his belief that the natural right to property is derived from labor. In 1750, Thomas Nugent published the first English translation. He posits that the political aspects of a society should be divided into two parts. Summarize the ways in which Wollstonecraft’s philosophy differed from the other Enlightenment thinkers. As he defines them, republican political systems vary depending on how broadly they extend citizenship rights. He proposed to send the king to the galleys. This division is necessary because the sovereign cannot deal with particular matters like applications of the law. [60] He was one of a number of scholars involved in the development of early concepts of evolution and has been credited with anticipating in principle the idea of natural selection that was developed into a scientific theory by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. He was born in France in 1689. Explain Locke’s conception of the social contract. Locke’s conception of natural rights is captured in his best known statement that individuals have a right to  protect their “life, health, liberty, or possessions” and in his belief that the natural right to property is derived from labor. [7] Glasgow particularly benefited from this new trade; initially supplying the colonies with manufactured goods, it emerged as the focus of the tobacco trade, re-exporting particularly to France. He believed that through the use of our senses and communication with others, knowledge could be compared and contrasted as a way of analyzing our systems of belief and understanding. While Wollstonecraft does call for equality between the sexes in particular areas of life, such as morality, she does not explicitly state that men and women are equal. Along with free trade, representative government was a cornerstone of Classical liberalism. He was an important link between the ideas of Shaftesbury and the later school of Scottish Common Sense Realism, developing Utilitarianism and Consequentialist thinking. His relationships with various women had important impacts on his life choices (e.g., temporary conversion to Catholicism) and inspired many of his writings. The Scottish Enlightenment had effects far beyond Scotland, not only because of the esteem in which Scottish achievements were held outside Scotland, but also because its ideas and attitudes were carried all over Europe and across the Atlantic world as part of the Scottish diaspora, and by European and American students who studied in Scotland. John Locke was an English philosopher and physician, widely regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the “Father of Liberalism.” Considered one of the first of the British empiricists, he is equally important to social contract theory. Condorcet’s Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Spirit (1795) was perhaps the most influential formulation of the Idea of Progress ever written. His political philosophy influenced the Enlightenment  in France and across Europe. "[29], The first major philosopher of the Scottish Enlightenment was Francis Hutcheson (1694–1746), who was professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow from 1729 to 1746. The majority of Wollstonecraft’s early works focus on education. The hypothetical boy, Émile, is to be raised in the countryside, which, Rousseau believes, is a more natural and healthy environment than the city, under the guardianship of a tutor, who will guide him through various learning experiences arranged by the tutor.

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