why do men wear earrings

Pirates felt that piercing of the ear(s) gave them better long distance vision. When men first started wearing earrings in each ear, I tried it out, liked it and have worn them ever since. I'm a 33 year old man and I have both of my ears pierced twice. ha. Is it because growing up you don't see much or any men wearing earrings, and only woman wearing them? Many men wear earrings to show that they are non-conformist. I've gotten negative reactions to them like some of the people above said but I'm my own person and I'll do what I want? I think that men are making tremendous progress in the accessories space, especially in jewelry… For actors, some wear earrings so they could fit in the role of a gangster or outlaw, and then there are those men who wear earrings since the set of jewels was a gift from their significant others. I really hate to see baby boys with earrings, though. Sometimes I wear a nose stud, too. NO. Many Kings in India are known to wear them. Deuteronomy 22:5 is referred to, which says, "A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God." '....i'm guessing a person with a great deal of issues themelves. Consider the kilts (skirts) worn by some men of Holland. i think its just fashion...nothing else.. It was believed that if their bodies were recovered at sea the person finding them could take the earring as payment for a proper burial. But really, if you go far back enough, men used to wear earrings. Gauges are a trend that is body modification that will require surgery to repair. I don't wear them to try and get people to stare at me or give me comments on them. Get over yourself it's a new generation! I've made changes for the better. If you are secure in who you are you don't usually do anything to draw attention to yourself. Thanks for the visit and comment. The practice of wearing earrings was a tradition for Ainu men and women, but the Government of Meiji Japan forbade Ainu men to wear earrings in the late-19th century. 0 | 0. Guys have 20 on each side. I didn't even check when i got my done because i don't care. Jewellery Options All Men Can Pull Off. Some people say it does not suit me but others think it looks 'cool'. Because I am at a point in my life, where I don't have to care about having to conform to any rigid social rules in groups I run around with. Lauren Evans. From pearl-embellished gear to faux pearl gadgets, there are some unique ways for men to wear pearls other than just in jewelry: 1. Following is a selection … Why not? Aside from looking unmanly, men with earrings have traditionally been viewed as strange, outlandish, or rebellious. Howard Carter writes in his description of Tutankhamen’s tomb that the Pharaoh’s earlobes were perforated, but no earrings were inside the mummy wrappings, although the tomb contained them. Related Bible Terms. I don't really know. willi have 2 in one ear and on October 12, 2011: I have 2 in my left ear and 1 in my right, am about to go 3 in the left and 2 in the right to try and be a rent setter. The reasons why men wear earrings: Following Celebrities Fashion One of the main reasons why men wear earrings is for making a fashion statement. No part of me is homosexual and the people criticizing me know this too do why judge me? over the years I felt like wearing it again and have done so. They have both been around for thousands of years.honestly now For me it acts as more of a symbol the anything. Its disgusting. I am constantly amazed at the wide range of comments. Answer Save. Over the centuries, men have worn amulets, earrings, headdresses, necklaces, body piercings, rings, bangles, brooches and medallions. Life is just too short to sweat the small stuff. etc. I am not so sure yet because i don't know if i can "support" it with my general style which is simple and casual. There are tons of jewelry lines that also make earrings for men that tend to be much simpler than what women would otherwise wear. Sailors who had sailed around the world or survived a sinking ship also had earrings to document their experiences. What does It mean when a Man wears in both Ears? There's nothing wrong with this at all. I think a guy that has a feminine appearance is sexy. To all those men who get piercings simply to "rebel against society", and "be different", how petty is that. MEN TELL WHY THEY WEAR EARRINGS. I usually wear a hoop and stud I my left ear and a stud in my right ear. Men's jewelry will complement the outfit when worn correctly. I have both my ears pierced and the only reason why I did it was just because I wanted to. you can say what u want but other than me acknowledging that you don't like earrings, nothing is going to change my mind about what I like. Now, 2016, especially among celebrities and young men the wearing of an earring or a stud in the ear or both ears is common. It’s true what they say, the classics never die – and there’s nothing more classic or revered … well I guess all puerto rican men must be gay like ricky martin because they all wear earring in both ears, including my husband. I believe that it depends on the person only if he would be nice with an earing. Good thing she wasn't mad at me at the time or she might have used a rusty nail. June 14, 2015 . Then, they were not only mere adornments that spoke of power, but prized possessions as well. I as a person changed a lot since I've gotten it. Well some ppl will obviously get jealous. eHow. Just like how men can find certain jewelry on women extremely attractive, women can also find men with jewelry the same. So I don’t think you should worry about the earrings - if you like them, wear them! The normal male wants nothing to do with this type of guy. I say if you want to do it, who cares how old you are. Earrings are regarded as an add-on to the dressing style that … 1. I'm a 25yo straight male and I've worn earrings, specifically diamond studs, almost every day since I was 16. And be respectful of the importance others place on these items even if you are not of their religion. A very interesting read. i am studying to be an accountant and I currently have my ears pierced however I am thinking about taking them out because I fear if i don't then employers will look at me badly. i wore it for a few years and frankly got bored with it (my father passed away 3 months after getting the earring). Everyone should be free to choose what they want to wear. I like wearing earings, they suit me and I think its cool, yes because its fashionable today, I probably would not wear them if it wasn't fashionable. I am a Petroleum Engineer, quite successful, educated, social, normal and definitely not insecure. I'm from Greece and i'm thinking of piercing my left ear only. Can have studs in both lobes, with one or two BCRs above either lobe. maggs224 from Sunny Spain on August 10, 2009: Interesting hub some men look great with or without earings but some men don't suit earings but they are usually the ones that don't know that lol. Of course some guys look good in them while others don't. King Tut’s burial mask’s ears were perforated and the holes were covered with golden discs. Anamika S. Jain has been a social media consultant for six years. Their fans always copy their fashion. Retrieved February 8, 2016. Retrieved February 9, 2016. Jewelry to Avoid – Grills, anklets, toe rings, belly piercings, engagement rings, armlets………no,no,no, never, no, and no. (A lot of buxom blondes between 24 and 42,however,regard me their favourite stud!!!!). Given below are ten reasons why Men may choose to wear earrings. Why Do Men Wear Earrings? Many people have commented how much they like it. Wear a small stud and sometimes a small silver hoop or a bit larger gold hoop...when I wear them. In Ancient China, any young boy who suffered from weak health would need to wear an earring to bless him to grow up and not to die young. I'm 41 wm. Celebrities are the leading trendsetters in the modern world. I did not do it to fit in to stick out or religion. It is nothing to do with gender or sexuality. -- because I thought it would be cool to do. I wear them because I feel like it. Abigail Van Buren CHICAGO TRIBUNE (Editor`s Note: Abby is on a two-week vacation. Some women find that it's a sign of a visible sensitive side of men, and this causes their sympathy. I'm a 53 year old health care professional. I got my left ear pierced in 1991 when I was 39 -- even though I was afraid I was too old! Lycra41 from Pietermaritzburg, South Africa on July 02, 2012: Thanks for input...have you got earrings. Captioning for the Deaf: Where Did It Come From? I think they look good, I found many girls do too, to improve my spirituality (buddhist), and finally to rebel. John Chancellor from Tennessee on August 09, 2009: I think you left out one of the more important reasons - to rebel. I like how I look with them on when I look at myself in the mirror and I feel confident enough to brush of the negative comments I may get. Reason three, its not fashion but more man wears them and make us look cool. He is a hearing industry consultant, trainer, professor, conference speaker, practice manager, and author. So in many ways, the earring would be in the same category. Earrings are among the practical piercings among men’s jewelry. I have my ears pierced and if someone walked up to me and told me I was gay because I have earrings I would punch him in the face. Ladies, what do you think of men wearing earrings? Now I just turned 50 last month and got the old urge to wear an earring again and put the stud back in my left ear about a week ago. I don't know what they'll look like on me yet but both my girlfriend and I like how my current ones look on me and she thinks it's sexy. nice article. but that's my opinion and everyone is entitled to their opinion. As for me, I'm a male who wears earrings in both ears - I like symmetry. The apostle Paul wrote, “Abstain from all appearance of evil” I Thes. The Bible presents that he commanded them to bring their sons’ and daughters’ earrings (and other pieces of jewelry) to him in order that he might comply with their demand. As the years pass I believe that tradition, as most, are tampered with, changed and adjusted and now today it's usually a fashion statement, a tradition/religion of some sort. And right around the time I started dating my current girlfriend I began to gauge my ear. Lycra41 from Pietermaritzburg, South Africa on May 02, 2012: I have both ears pierced, its wicked and when you have that done you notice how many guys have both ears done, I like rings, the bigger the better- im passed the stud stage. Reply. It's funny how the 'righteous' seem to skip over certain scriptures. A nice bracelet and watch combination will distinguish a one man from the next. To me, those are ok. Reply. People are people, there are a lot of men in prison that committed heinous crimes sporting conventional hair cuts and no earrings, just as there are professionals and business men who are very successful with long hair and earrings. I guess my reasons for wanting an earring are my desire to show confidence and show a little style. Fine I don't look at ma face, well with out makeup most of actress look bad, Well some ppl may also say no they look good and some will say bad. Some of you are so narrow minded you don't even look at yourself or understand how something like this could be considered biased. Anamika S Jain (author) from Mumbai - Maharashtra, India on October 19, 2009: maven101 : I remember hiring a guy with long hair and spoting an earrings (he was a model and extremely goodlooking) to my Sales Team and my Boss was not happy with my choice and wanted him to cut his hair. Larry Conners from Northern Arizona on September 16, 2009: I'm sorry, but when I was in business, if a guy showed up for a job interview with an earring or a ponytail, his chances of getting hired were slim and none...and slim left town... William F Torpey from South Valley Stream, N.Y. on September 16, 2009: I guess I'm old-fashioned, but I don't think earrings make anyone look better -- not women, and especially not men. I do not wear earrings. When I see a man with an earring, I see someone who seems wounded or has to prove himself. A Watch. Having cufflinks with inlaid pearls brings out a unique style any man can call his own. White and blue freshwater pearl cufflinks for men. I got mine pierced at the age of 13. I really liked the way it looked. I usually wear a stud earring, but on my creative days I like to wear a little hoop earring. Does the Bible teach that it is acceptable for men to wear it? Earrings are removable, unlike tattoos. In India, girls and some boys have their ears pierced during a religious ceremony before the age of 5. You people are just disgusted because you aren't okay with who you are, you are upset by your bottled up feelings, and only with to reflect it upon people who are okay with themselves enough to do something that isn't like the "old ways" where guys were looked at bad for having a pierced ear! , our free email newsletter. It is interesting how some guys are more than happy wearing earrings while others will never put a hole in their ear. Retrieved February 8, 2016. The cops say earrings don't have anything to do with gangs. I am secure in myself and it is my choice...my life. When a man wears diamond studs or golden hoops, it is a way for them to boast their wealth or even a safe way to invest of their money. That’s why both beautiful women and sexy men wear pearls and pearl jewelry these days. I got it because I thought it looked good on me and my friends were getting it as well. "Jewelry would make me look powerful—masculine, but sensitive," you might reason, fingering an especially resplendent wallet chain. Today’s fashion trends are all about doing what makes you feel and look good. Hi Anamika, this is an interesting article, I wanted to have my ears piereced ever since I was at primary school but did not get them pierced until well into adulthood! Yes. I think everyone that has posted negative comments towards guys with pierced ears should take a cold hard look at themselves in the mirrior! No one can decide that earrings were meant for women alone so that nullifys the Hadith you used correct? Took it out many times due to feeling the negative reactions similar to some of the negative posters. Lol! Wearing an earring back then was an indication of his parents wishing for him to live healthily. Still used in these cultures today,  body modification is often a symbol of age, status, wealth and standing within the tribe. anyway i have both ears pierced and all the ladys i know think it's a sign of masculince if used right. Who's to say wearing one or two earrings means you are gay? Used to wear one when I was in a band, some years back. Like most other men, you might someday find yourself standing in the glow of flickering department-store lights, tempted by the prospect of wearing jewelry. Cristiano Ronaldo looks great with or without earrings. The funny thing is that many people try to get tattooed and pierced to be 'different' but in reality they are just following the crowd that gets tattooed and pierced. After getting, y second hole in my left ear I noticed more and more people doin it, I'm just trying to be leader not a follower, just try a do my own thing. Listed below are some hoops that are similar to the pair Slash wore; these hoops are great for both men and women! I think that should stick to the girls. I see someone who is insecure and has to follow the pack. Some men wear it because it completes their looks. I am a 55yo married guy who has a pierced ear. lol. Camlo De Ville from Cologne, Germany on November 08, 2011: Just read through the comments here -- what strange ideas people have. Thanks to those who have contributed to this discussion. I don't think us older women do get the new fad for young men to wear earrings. Earrings were also commonplace among nomadic Turkic tribes. Take your judgemental ideas elsewhere please. Trying to control other people's actions needlessly is both cruel and unethical. https://hearinghealthmatters.org/hearinginternational/2016/ear-rings-and-pirates Top 10 reasons why men wear earrings. Get HHTM Weekly, our free email newsletter. All of a sudden, the earings seem very small. My son is 10 and thinks boys with earrings are stupid. It's a materialistic world take advantage of it. Men’s dress has traditionally been rather dull, and increased ornamentation, especially when … However that indication of individualism is a negative sign, seemingly an expression of some kind of perversion. same as highlights in mens hair y not jut an expression. 5:22). I wore a silver stud for a while then switched to a small gold hoop. james says: January 13, 2017 at 3:28 am. I don't see anything wrong with earrings on Men. I'm not trying to be a rebel or anything -- I just they just look good on me, simple as that. And to keep it balanced, you can also give your thoughts on why men wear earrings if you like? Along with making a fashion statement, women use these big earrings to enhance their appearance. Rebellion is a big thing to me and so is my religion, I believe it was worth the pain of piercing and stretching. Wear them in accordance with your faith’s teachings. Gone are the days where the only accessories men wore served a specific function. Well a lot of guys wear plugs and stretchers to stratch out their ears. 4 min read. It is not that I no longer care for them, it just is not part of my morning routine lately. Just because a guy wears earrings does not mean that he is gay or even feminine. HHTM’s latest eBook by Brian Taylor, AuD. Why do guys wear earrings? Some women believe that a man who wears an earring feels confident in his masculinity (because he has other ways to prove it than just a rejection of the jewelry). So I don’t think it will ever happen. And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold: and every man that … I see a conformist. There is nothing wrong with peircings or gauges. No man /woman is better then the next. For the same reason white men wear earings, to improve their chances of getting girls or so they think but girls prefer guys to be their own men. I wear an earring because it's an expression of my own independent nature. this is very funny. Lavish ear ornaments have remained popular in India from ancient times to … when I was 40 (10 years ago) I wanted to get my right ear pierced to match my left but my wife was against the idea,(I had gone as far as piercing it and wearing small fake diamond studs in both ears) so I took them out and haven't worn any since then. have been worn by men since the beginning of time. I bet the first word that comes to mind would be, "freak". The old rule of left for straight and right for gay seems to have been left behind in … Time to move out of this opressive era you are living in. I wore it (against my wishes) because astrology suggested me to do so. I wear a nice watch, not just to tell the time, but also to 'look good' on my wrist. And because nobody in my environment, men, even wear earrings, I even don’t dare to wear simple studs. It is such narrow mindedness that is the reason people still can't get along with one another. To the person high above who said they don't hire people with ponytails or earrings, you are a representation of everything that is wrong in the world. I think your list of reasons why guys decide to get their ear(s) pierced is pretty good and does cover a lot of the reasons why we do it. Seems you have done good research on men!! When I switched jobs a few years ago, I didn't wear earrings to the interview, but after checking out the dress code, I started wearing them on my first day of work, and I received no negative feedback. Nate (2016). When I can take the starter studs out, I am going to get some dangling Harley earrings. And to the people who think men wearing earrings are "not right" where did you get this judgment from? Jesus, who was totally secure, could not be picked out in a crowd according to the word. I have very long hair and frequently wear large hoop and dangling earrings. When did men first start wearing earrings. Reason four, a man is gay and want to show it by wearing jewelry normally worn by women (which was with earrings) Reason five, to shock your parents, because you want to be a person of your one in stead of one of them (and because most parent hate their son … _____ Written by Antonio Centeno Founder, Real Men Real Style so think twice before you judge. Most men try to avoid accessories as they misjudged them for being feminine. Another scriptural principle applies. Lavish ear ornaments have remained popular in India from ancient times to … At one point in American history, there was supposedly an encoded message about sexuality contained a man's choice of the left or right side, but today, having an earring on either side means only that you have a hole in your ear. I do not wear diamond studs. I recently re-pierced both ears. I have stretched ears for 4 reasons. Like people in construction. Josh. A couple other guys actually started wearing their's afterward too. I want to be myself, and more importantly. Earrings were also commonplace among nomadic Turkic tribes. Having said the above, I strongly believe that every individual has the right to choose what he/she should wear or not wear. So, for men, it is high time we take notice … It may also be noted that Hindu gods are depicted with their danglers. Bob Traynor – Audiology, Hearing Loss Around The World. Clothing concept. Jain (2015) offers 10 specific reasons why men wear them: Epilog:  No matter what their reason for wearing earrings the practice will be considered by some as a statement, to others as cool, attractive, spiritual, or simply a component of your job; the practice is trendy and very common in today’s western culture.

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