eric weinstein epstein

It is wide ranging and deep diving discussions with distinguished guests from the realms of science, culture and business. Weinstein’s description of the protesters as “Maoists” is a reference to China’s Red Guard protestors, who was used by party chief Mao Zedong to attack political rivals, as well as China’s culture and history in 1966 and 1967. As this has not happened, it is being released with some trepidation in March of 2020 due to the issue of state involvement with Jeffrey Epstein. Er ist der Verfasser der Internet-Enzyklopädie MathWorld . Now, as a person on the left, I’m a huge fan of markets. Regardless, Eric Weinstein suggests that the "distributed idea suppression complex" has squashed Bret's work, and has robbed Bret of an exciting career and even a Nobel prize. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. The central question to be asked is why is Eric Weinstein doing a limited hangout around Jeffrey Epstein? The National Science Foundation [and] the National Academy of Sciences had to team up in order to effectively rescue the universities if [legislators] weren’t going to put in more money. Some ‘thing’ had set him up to play one. Why? Americans cannot stop the cannibalization by the elite — or Weinstein describes it, “the core”– until the elite admits the central economic problem: There’s a huge problem that we need to get to, which is that the reason that we can’t get out of our national nightmare at the moment, is that the center has to make a move that it refuses to do. Because what we’d always done is we had a labor force that was based on apprentice labor. But anyone can be silenced; I met him & it scared the hell out of me. He currently serves as the managing director of Thiel Capital, Peter Thiel's investment firm, a position he has held since 2015. It's pure degenerate lying with a ton of $ behind it. RACISM, EPSTEIN & PHYSICS | Eric Weinstein & Mike Rashid. D) Why is there no routine call from Journalists, Senators, Congressmen and women, Academics, Clergy or Business leaders for hearings into the intelligence communities in the wake of Epstein and related affairs, as there was during the 1970s when the Church and Pike committees uncovered dirty tricks campaigns against lawful citizens? Kurz nach der Veröffentlichung der Vorwürfe wurde Weinstein von seinem Unternehmen entlassen und aus der Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences sowie anderen Berufsvereinigungen ausgeschlossen. The universities’ disease spread throughout the economy, he said: All of these [1980s] supply-side gimmicks and the offshoring, and the downsizing and the financialization and all of these things, were not good enough to actually deal with the underlying problem [reduced economic growth] because it didn’t have a diagnosis as to what actually happened [to slow growth]. Many of those foreign workers arrive via the universities’ “Practical Training” pipelines. Eric Wolfgang Weisstein (* 18. I had hoped that the story it discusses would have been followed up by others as I never wanted to be entangled with it. While at that meeting, Eric was surprised by Epstein's strange behaviors and came to the conclusion that it was highly unlikely that Epstein was likely to be the money manager he claimed. Indeed, Eric Weinstein himself spots one (embedded in a piece of art) almost immediately in his one visit to Epstein's N.Y. townhouse — and he almost immediately starts to wonder if he was suppposed to spot it. Evergreen State College Racism Controversy | Bret Weinstein | ACADEMIA | Rubin Report. March 06, 2020 by Zach Grossfeld in Society & Culture. [We] got the National Science Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences to stab American scientists in the back, on behalf of scientific employers [amid] all of the sloppy talk about best and brightest. We love what we do and are happy to invest in ourselves, and a little help goes a long way as we continue to bring the biggest and best conversations to you. The cannibalization is allowing Antifa and other extremists to emerge into the nation’s streets, just as AIDS first weakens the immune system and then allows underlying diseases to emerge and kill people, said Weinstein, who was invited by Cruz to talk on his July 23 discussion show, “Verdict with Ted Cruz.”. Eric Weinstein by Miles Mathis First published May 25, 2013 Physics over the past couple of years has been very weird, but it just got weirder. Published by bannedhipster. Though not an academic physicist, Weinstein proposed a unified theory of physics in 2013. You have the right to your own [national] labor market. The pipelines provide the universities with $4o billion in revenue and also push many jobs and much wealth from the heartland states out to the wealthy coasts. He has stated overtly that American democracy is a problem. The following is a description from The Portal, hosted by Eric Weinstein, outlining the latest episode titled ‘The Construct - Jeffrey Epstein. This essay selects certain themes and offers my own perspective. They give you alternate explanations for things that could possibly hold water. Join us as we seek portals that will carry us through the impossible- and beyond. Last night (May 23, 2013), Eric Weinstein gave a lecture at Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University, presenting his Theory of Everything. In this Portal podcast clip, Eric Weinstein remembers his strange experience meeting Jeffrey Epstein. How did this person simply vanish in a world where Tech tracks everyone at all times? In this interview, he poses some very interesting questions about the failure of the media to actually pursue this story. Listen to his take on Prince Andrew's interview, worth the watch. He spoke at the invitation of Marcus du Sautoy, an Oxford mathematician who now inhabits Richard Dawkins' … View all posts by bannedhipster Post navigation. Where are the on-the-record stories asking if the US and its allies categorically deny refusing to work with any known child sex traffickers? Where was her last known social engagement? To whit, he is obsessed with celebrities and name-dropping. The full podcast lasts three hours. Where are any former employees who executed trades? And so the corruption of the core left and the core right means that there’s nowhere [for Americans] to turn. The science estb. Where did her digital trail run cold? Eric Ross Weinstein (born October 26, 1965) is an American financial manager and commentator. Comment. Who were the prime brokers? The first is from an interview Eric did with the Rebel Wisdom Channel and the second is from … So the [science] students are actually the workers but by calling them students, you don’t have to pay them. Previous Previous post: A Month Of Lockdowns, No Infrastructure Problems. The elite cannibalism damaged the market’s ability to fairly distribute wealth, he said. “That’s the whole globalization stuff … the idea is that right now, what you have is you have certain sectors [which] grow by cannibalizing other sectors, and if we call that ‘growth,’ we can fudge our national [economic growth] statistics,” he said. Eric discusses his memories of his single bizarre meeting (circa 2004?) "@EricRWeinstein Hmm. He was not a financier. I will be discussing the Epstein situation. He began boxing as an amateur at age 12, and stopped at age 21. Für die Enthüllung des Weinstein-Skandals erhielten im darauffolgenden Jahr Jodi Kantor und Megan Two… Like China, Weinstein, George Soros, Epstein and others, the mode of operation is to compromise and own as much and many as possible. Host Eric Weinstein, Managing Director of Thiel Capital, brings his unique expertise and diverse roster of guests for a wide range of discussions, including science, culture, business, and capitalism. 'Diversity' is the estb. Weinstein's boss is Peter Thiel, who invested in the Carbyne App along with Epstein and Ehud Barak in ~2018. And so what we [elites] came up with was a brilliant idea; We would lie about American scientists and engineers, we would say that they were lousy, and that they weren’t interested in contributing to this very demanding profession. The following are the original rumors, in summary, about Hunter Biden. The economic cannabilism by the elite has gradually destroyed the public’s trust in merit and the free market as a route to success, he said: “We have so much cannibalization that we’ve given up on merit because we now see merit as an excuse [political cover]. Mr. Weinstein cannot recall the exact date, but he believes it was in 2004 (note that is before Epstein’s first criminal conviction in Florida). 9 min read. Eric Weinstein on meeting Jeffrey Epstein This guy makes the best observations no one is talking about regarding the case. This 15 year hypothesis and Epstein's mysterious death lead to Eric's four questions: A) Where are the newspaper stories tracking the financial records from the Villard House offices on Madison Avenue of Jeffrey Epstein's hedge fund and financial management firm J. Epstein & Co.? Eric Weinstein – On Meeting Jeffrey Epstein. Please take a moment to support Ole on Patreon! Listen to the full episode below: Over half a year ago, immediately following the reported death of Jeffrey Epstein, Eric recorded a solo episode that he never released in hopes that its subject matter would be overtaken by investigative journalism. Because there’s nothing more progressive … Markets are what lift people up.”, Antifa's youth are college-grad losers in a stock-market economy.Blue-collars were slammed by mass immigration & free-trade outsourcing. “There is essentially no one at my level that I know of, who is openly against high-skilled immigration as the worst part of our immigration [policy],” he added. with Jeffrey Epstein in Epstein's 71st St townhouse in Manhattan. “There was an implicit sort of morality in [free] market mechanisms. What trades do they show? Given that your country maintains a right to conscript you [for war, and] to tax you, [then one] part of the social contract is that [Americans] get a share in your country’s wealth through having a right [to work in the United States, without competition from foreign nationals]. Per New York Magazine, Epstein’s state of mind in his final days reportedly did not suggest he was struggling with or considering taking his own life. U.S. immigration policy is a form of cannibalism in which hungry elites devour Americans’ wealth and civil rights, Eric Weinstein told Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Follow Neil Munro on Twitter @NeilMunroDC, or email the author at [email protected]. He is, in fact, incredibly bitter about his perceived lack of status within the American ruling class and his inadequacies have tortured him into a neurotic pretzel. Share. What it was good enough to do was to keep some slices of the pie growing at the expense of others. Why is she not being sought by law enforcement and where is the government request for any information as to her last whereabouts? 's hegemony.#H1B with Jeffrey Epstein in Epstein's 71st St townhouse in Manhattan. (First 1,000 responses get FREE gift) Even an untrained eye might spot them. 8,188 Are the Democrats trying to steal the election? B) Where are the newspaper stories detailing the known border crossings where Ghislaine Maxwell's passports were last presented to the immigration agents of any government? Thank you for your donation, however small, and for expressing support for our work and its continued survival. The Maxwell fortune became the Epstein fortune and the source Israel/MegaGroup - probably now trying to protect such fortune from potential law suits from victims. Eric discusses his memories of his single bizarre meeting (circa 2004?) Cruz listened carefully but made no comments. Society & Culture. Why are these agencies now protected and immune in a way that they were not previously? They’re coming up to the right, they’re coming from the left. The crazies and creepies that are roaming the American stage were present in every era. Auxoro is an independent and mostly self-funded platform that relies on people like you to push the conversation forward. with Jeffrey Epstein in Epstein's 71st St townhouse in Manhattan. Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Previous Buyer Beware: FDA Now Says 14 Hand Sanitizers Are Toxic And Potentially Deadly. Control and conquer. Seine Frau Georgina Chapman gab die Trennung bekannt. These legal and illegal foreign workers rationally prefer their subordination and their lower wages — plus the dangled hope of citizenship — to the alternative choice of returning home to India, China, or elsewhere. Next Ole Dammegard-Man of Peace. While at that meeting, Eric was surprised by Epstein's strange behaviors and came to the conclusion that it was highly unlikely that Epstein was likely to be the money manager he claimed. Weinstein is a long-standing critic of the H-1B and the J-1 visa worker pipelines that pressure science employers to hire cheap foreign graduates instead of Americans. “Instead of seeing each other as a source of camaraderie, or military support, or innovation, we started using each other as a source of protein, and then we started out the process of American self-cannibalization,” said Weinstein, who is the managing director of Peter Thiel’s venture capital fund, Thiel Capital. Eric is on the money, critical thinker. Fortune 500 companies and universities are sidelining more than one million American graduates by employing a population of at least 1.3 million foreign graduates, plus a growing population of white-collar illegals. Picked up the sport again in 2017, and turned pro as a heavyweight a year later in 2018. März 1969 in Bloomington (Indiana) ) ist ein US-amerikanischer Enzyklopädist der Mathematik und Astronom . C) Where are the newspaper stories asking whether Jeffrey Epstein was known to be connected to any US or foreign intelligence agencies? Even if you are a cinephile like I am, you can see how they are ALWAYS at work covering their tracks. In the United States, the civil right that is being eaten by the elite cannibals is each Americans’ right to make a living in their shared, American-only, national labor market, said Weinstein. Bill Gates Boris Nikolic Eric Weinstein Gate Foundation Ghislaine Maxwell James Staley Jeffrey Epstein JP Morgan Lawrence Summers Treasury Secretary. You don’t allow them to unionize … But you don’t actually admit that what’s going on is that you’re coming up with people who are willing to accept visas as payment. Free Content, Conspiracies, Legal System, Pedophilia. He met Epstein in person once, at his Manhattan home. Listen to the full episode: Apple | Spotify | Overcast. The Ku Klux Klan was present, the anarchists were present … When we lost [economic] growth, we became immunocompromised and all the creepy crawlies are coming out from every particular place. White-collars are being hit by visa-worker outsourcing to India & China. And by the way, we have a universe filled with the best and the brightest in poor countries in Asia, and we should just bring them over in large numbers. The political disease began in the 1980s in the nation’s elite universities, where science employers tried to boost their slowing innovation by importing cheap labor to force down the wages of American scientists, he said. SUPPORT AUXORO ON VENMO (Thank You): @Zachary-Ross-4, AUXORO NEWSLETTER - JOIN OVER 1,000 OTHERS & SUBSCRIBE, AUXORO MERCH - HOODIES & TEES NOW AVAILABLE, The Construct: Jeffrey Epstein (From The Portal with Eric Weinstein). December 2, 2020 . Do the visa pipes enable racist HR policies?, — Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) June 13, 2020. Weinstein is the Managing Director of Thiel Capitol. Who holds these records? Why has have such questions not terminated in at least a categorical denial or "no comment" response or even a refusal to discuss "sources and methods"? Weinstein had some type of professional business interaction with Jeffrey Epstein before the Florida sex case took place, and he knew something was fishy about the guy. Epstein was a created character - the trading desks don’t know him - he went from Teacher, BS, Ponzi scheme to mystery man. Eric discusses his memories of his single bizarre meeting (circa 2004?) Was there never a hedge fund at all? Eric R. Weinstein April 10, 2020 Eric Weinstein Fri, April 10, 2020 6:47pm URL: Embed: Over half a year ago, immediately following the reported death of Jeffrey Epstein, Eric recorded a solo episode that he never released in hopes that its subject matter would be overtaken by investigative journalism. Jeffrey Epstein, Conspiracy, Eric Weinstein. Next Next post: Trump Ends The Lockdown. The elite cannibalism damaged the market’s ability to fairly distribute wealth, he said. Instead, that story has barely moved. But the problems for the Joe Biden Crime Family, are that, inch-by-inch and day-by-day, they are being verified as true. Weinstein’s description of the protesters as “Maoists” is a reference to China’s Red Guard protestors, who was used by party chief Mao Zedong to attack political rivals, as well as China’s culture and history in 1966 and 1967. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat zwar Beweise, dass sich Jeffrey Epstein in seiner Gefängniszelle das Leben nahm. Eric Weinstein, a Podcaster and managing director of Thiel Capital, who previously claimed Epstein had an “ enormous secretive office ” in Midtown Manhattan, recently shared his thoughts on Epstein’s suicide via Twitter. Meanwhile, Weinstein's fans continue to harass Carol Greider over wrongdoings they cannot really identify with any consistency as Bret Weinstein is never specific. Eric Weinstein, a Podcaster and managing director of Thiel Capital, who previously claimed Epstein had an ... Epstein’s defense attorneys, Reid Weingarten and Martin Weinberg, also doubt that Epstein killed himself. claims to support blacks, but uses #H1B pipelines to import Asians for STEM jobs that could go to blacks, says Harvard scientist Eric Weinstein.It "is an entire sham. Everything from travel expenses to podcast equipment to web design is paid for purely out of pocket and by the people like you who support us. Politiker, die er unterstützt hatte, distanzierten sich von ihm. If you claim I’m wrong, I’d like to apologize. In March 2020, Eric Weinstein released an episode of his podcast, The Portal, about his views and theories on Jeffrey Epstein. At the moment, we have no sponsors or outside investors. Eric Weinstein played the “both sides” game after the violent insurrection on Jan 6, 2021. The cannibalism was prompted by the elite’s failure in the 1970s to keep growing the nation’s economy, said Weinstein, who earned a PhD. Mr. Weinstein is a mathematician and economist. Is she continuing to file and pay taxes? Now the interesting part about it is, if we [elites] can just get your right declared [to be] an impediment to the free market, we can take your right [by forcing you to compete against foreign workers in the United States] without having to pay you anything for it. A Portal Special Presentation And the center — or “the core” would be a better way of saying it — has to admit that it became kleptocratic. A podcast hosted by Eric Weinstein, The Portal is a journey of discovery. 25: The Construct - Jeffrey Epstein By Eric Weinstein. Subscribe to Eric Weinstein on YouTube here. I edited out 2 clips of Eric Weinstein talking about Jeffrey Epstein. in mathematical physics from Harvard. 9 thoughts on “ Bill Gates, Larry Summers & Jeffrey … Instead, Eric came to the conclusion that the person with whom he was sitting was more probably a construction of one or more intelligence agencies, interested alternatively in powerful actors and scientists. The show will feature people whose lives demonstrate that portals into what we would normally consider impossible, are indeed possible. — Eric Weinstein (@EricRWeinstein) August 11, 2019. July 22, 2020 1. 20 replies to "Eric Weinstein's Epstein Questions Part 1: Ryan Dawson" Freddie O'Blivion. I edited out 2 clips of Eric Weinstein talking about Jeffrey Epstein. While at that meeting, Eric was surprised by Epstein's strange behaviors and came to the conclusion that it was highly unlikely that Epstein was likely to be the money manager he claimed. Eric Weinstein 0:00 Hello, this is Eric with a few notes on today’s release. Viele nehmen den Behörden die Selbstmordgeschichte aber nicht ab. EconomyImmigrationPoliticsAIDSAntifaglobalizationH-1B VisasoffshoringTed Cruzvisa workers. And this is actually a fair point of the Maoists [protesters] who don’t see a fair world.”. At least that’s my intention. If not, is the inexplicable Epstein fortune and the missing Robert Maxwell fortune actually one and the same fortune? Over half a year ago, immediately following the reported death of Jeffrey Epstein, Eric recorded a solo episode that he never released in hopes that its subject matter would be overtaken by investigative journalism. Post author By Brooke; Post date July 6, 2020; Mike Rashid King is a professional boxer, entrepreneur, fitness & lifestyle enthusiast. This was recorded over half a year ago, and I’ve sat on it because I didn’t want to release it.

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