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The Wildlife Trusts' response to new figures released by the government. Different types of protected wildlife sites, Updated 6th September - Own goal: Government considering badger cull in new areas where they have funded successful vaccination programmes, The Wildlife Trusts call for more investment in badger vaccination. For example, large-scale badger … Support badgers, local artisans and get some great badger themed items? Population and conservation status, threats to survival, management actions These pages are part of the San Diego Zoo Global Library website. The red list Red is the highest conservation priority, with species needing urgent action. 25% of the European population is found in the UK, so we have an international responsibility to conserve them. The removal of one animal from the ecosystem has knock-on impacts. Read our fundraising promise here. Mating peaks in spring but development of embryos is delayed until winter and most litters are born in February. Badgers are the UK’s largest land predator and are one of the most well-known British species. This listing status has been justified due to the honey badgers’ wide distribution and the lack of data indicating the population´s decline. The apparent decline coincides with the rise of the badger, an important predator of hedgehogs, which has been shown to limit hedgehog distribution (Doncaster 1994). The Wildlife Trusts: Protecting Wildlife for the Future. Our new grant schemes fund some of the exceptional work undertaken by our badger groups and vaccination projects across the country. Badgers are a valued species in the UK, protected by law. Conservation and management: Badger populations decreased during gassing to control rabies but, since the cessation of gassing these have either stabilised or increased. The Badger Trust is the UK's leading voice for badgers, actively promoting their conservation, welfare and the protection of their setts and habitats. The UK Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies (SNCBs) have developed a common view on FCS, which is articulated in FCS Statement. So, at least in law, the badger is fully protected. Once you have established that a badger is in need of assistance, contact your local wildlife rescue centre or telephone Tiggywinkles on our emergency helpline From arts and crafts activities, puzzles and quizzes, to book club and film club, to guest articles, audio interviews and videos, you’re sure to find something new to do. Badger (Meles Meles) Conservation Status The Protection of Badgers Act 1992 consolidates past badger legislation and, in addition to protecting the badger itself from being killed, persecuted or trapped, makes it an offence to damage, destroy or obstruct badger setts. Badgers are After remaining approximately level for 20 years, the bag index appeared to decline from 1980 to 2009 as it did for the UK. Regulated by the Fundraising Regulator. The Wildlife Trusts call for national badger vaccination programme to help combat bTB as an alternative to culling. However, many badgers are killed by cars and illegal persecution does still occur. Our hard-hitting short film, ‘Stopping Badger Crime’, aims to raise public awareness of crimes against badgers and encourage reporting. They are famed for their black and white stripes and sturdy body, using their strong front paws to dig for food and to perfect their hobbit-like burrows, called ‘setts’. The Badger Trust exists to enhance the welfare, conservation and protection of badgers, badger setts, and badger habitats. 1111440 | Company Registered in the UK No. Red list criteria includes: Species is globally threatened. a badger when it is occupying a sett. 5460677, Privacy Notice |  Terms & Conditions | Contact Us | Copyright 2021 Badger Trust, Find out more about how you can help badgers, Badger Trust: It’s time to end the failed £1.5m badger killing scheme in Wales. Always remember that badgers and their setts are protected by law, and in many circumstances a licence is needed prior to any action that is likely to cause the animals or their home disturbance, or risk doing so. There are also concerns by some that badgers are responsible for spreading bovine tuberculosis to cattle. An average of approximately 5,500 badgers are killed by hunters each year, a further 400 by road-traffic, and another 200 by other causes. WARNING: contains distressing content. Badger Trust calls on all Welsh political parties to commit to a humane approach to bovine TB control and stop killing healthy badgers, Our hard-hitting short film, ‘Stopping Badger Crime’, aims to raise public awareness of crimes against badgers and encourage reporting. LICENSING Under Section 10 of the Protection of Badgers Act licences can be issued to allow otherwise prohibited actions for a number of specific purposes. Conservation Status: The Protection of Badgers Act 1992 consolidates past badger legislation and, in addition to protecting the badger itself from being killed, persecuted or trapped, makes it an offence to damage, destroy or obstruct badger setts. They are very dangerous animals who are incredibly strong and quick, even when injured. You can help by supporting The Wildlife Trusts and our campaign - from becoming a member, to contacting your local MP, there are lots of ways you can get involved. Badgers should only ever be handled by experienced personnel. The concept of Favourable Conservation Status (FCS) has a foundation in international wildlife conservation. The Wildlife Trusts delighted that vaccination gets priority in the fight against bovine tuberculosis. However, as of the 2015 assessment of the conservation status of the honey badger, by the IUCN Red List, it has been listed as of least concern. Badgers were given some limited protection in 1973 but weaknesses in the law meant that badger setts were still being dug, bulldozed, blocked or the animals cruelly killed. Are you reporting incidents to the Badger Trust? Badgers do little harm to agricultural crops or to other animals in Ireland. Our Wildlife Crime & Training Office works tirelessly to collate and assist groups and individuals with confirmed or potential criminal incidents involving badgers. Instead, we are urging for vaccinations against bTB to be the way forward. Keeping active, entertained and connected with  Badger Time activities. In addition, there remains persistent illegal persecution involving snaring and disturbance to setts. Nevertheless, there has been a history of badger-baiting in Ireland, a blood sport that continues clandestinely to this day. Keeping active, entertained and connected with  Badger Time activities. Usually only one female in a group will reproduce successfully, producing Historical persecution means badgers are now fully protected by law. Donate to a badger vaccination appeal or be an advocate for badgers. Where badgers pose a problem, licences can be issued to permit certain activities. Registered charity No. Mortality on roads is frequent and can lead to localised extinctions. Badgers are dying in horrific ways from terrible injuries inflicted as a result of these illegal and barbaric activities and dogs involved may also be hurt. Badger Trust has a strong membership of both individuals and families who give invaluable support and they are always pleased to welcome newcomers. The European badger (Meles meles), also known as the Eurasian badger, is a badger species in the family Mustelidae native to almost all of Europe and some parts of Western Asia. Protected in the UK under the Protection of Badgers Act, 1992, and the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981. 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