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Noam Chomsky and many others on the left have, I think, effectively debunked this idea. That is, we need to act on the personal AND the collective, political levels. I think, though, that you overestimate the importance of tax receipts. The way to allow people to connect is to remove the Tools Of Disconnection that Industrial Civilization has created, specifically to keep us living the way “good consumers” should. The real question is, are we willing to risk our very real necks by effectively countering the system? “The overarching connection in all of these crises has to do with the great Western heresy – that we can be saved as individuals, that any of us alone can be in right relationship with God…That individualist focus is a form of idolatry, for it puts me and my words in the place that only God can occupy, at the center of existence, as the ground of all being.”, I’ve posted a short response to this article on my blog. Who sees it? But after age 35, bone breakdown occurs faster than bone buildup, which causes a gradual loss of bone mass. World-denying fundamental religion is the shadow of that paradigm. They did it simply because they knew their boys in Washington would approve it and that their propaganda would sell it to farmers, and that Monsanto would make a fortune.  In the early 1980s the African National Congress realized that its armed struggle strategy was failing; it was woefully insufficient to defeat apartheid. Part of the human condition. Before you lump Dr. King in with Gandhi, let’s look at a striking difference. (Kitco News) - Investors are dumping lower yielding assets like gold to buy higher volatility securities like Tesla shares and bitcoin, said Gareth Soloway, chief market strategist at In The Money Stocks, but Soloway is not selling his gold yet. Poor, nasty, brutish and short. I believe personal action is where it is all at. To step aside as industrial civilization, or capitalism, or patriarchy, or Leviathan, or Goliath, or whatever you want to call it commits further atrocities is A) utterly callous and a complete abdication of our responsibility to those we purport to love and B) just postponing the inevitable confrontation when Goliath catches up with us. PS: if you haven’t yet had a chance, reading Alam Weisman’s latest will convince you: “The World Without Us”. We hear the same message, over and over again about all the things that are wrong with the world. Both of your contributions will not go unnoticed or unsung by those who survive this mess we’re in. He literally listens to and speaks to non-humans, as have indigenous people and many poets throughout time. Jensen seems to want to agitate, but is he really interested in anyone who isn’t already sold on him listening to him? Then I act, rightly, I hope.”. Apparently, the perfect time for your first coffee break is between 9:30 am and 11:30 am. Will there be any indigenous human cultures left? The militant FMNL and the FSLN, however, achieved a great deal, and are, today, holding the presidencies of both countries (El Salvador and Nicaragua). RELATED: Two Shot In … I don’t. While I disagree with Jensen’s main thesis, I do agree that more political activism is needed to help change the system. We’re going to have to do more–much more–than purchase a hybrid automobile and recycle some of our garbage. As for paying taxes, I refused to earn enough to have to do so until I decided to become a high school teacher (at 26, four years ago). It is really from the fact that he tells us that he wants more activism and protest. I live reasonably simply myself, but I don’t pretend that not buying much (or not driving much, or not having kids) is a powerful political act, or that it’s deeply revolutionary. That’s why Christianity was so thoroughly pushed by the Western elite from Constantine to Obama. urban entity that has lasted beyond 250-300 years, before “taking for granted” ecosystems led them over the abyss of time. Making the purchase an impulse or an image choice rather than a utility choice. We obviously cannot ignore personal choices and lifestyles but the real action on the climate change front is in policy– something we have yet to galvanize public action toward. And then, what? I believe that great changes can happen in a short period of time if the will and the means are there. He can belittle it to his heart’s content, but if you follow his line of thinking you’ll end up with the same old, same old – one group holding out a ‘One Right Way’, and needing to conquer others to enact it. Wyckoff, Uranium Royalty buys royalty interests on two world's biggest uranium mines, S&P 500, Nasdaq drift towards record highs as data fuels stimulus bets, COVID-19 outbreak declared at Pretivm's Brucejack mine in BC, Newcrest reports gold reserves declined by 5%, U.S. labor market struggling, but light at the end of tunnel, Thursday's Forex Analytical Charts, Feb. 11, Thursday's Charts for Gold, Silver and Platinum and Palladium, Feb.11, Gold and silver struggle; platinum explodes higher. Rivers are dewatered from lack of water. Municipal waste accounts for only 3 percent of total waste production in the United States. How do you explain this behavior to those being exploited, raped, abused, murdered right now? So, even if we all took up cycling and wood stoves it would have a negligible impact on energy use, global warming and atmospheric pollution.”. 3. Kirkpatrick Sale again: “The whole individualist what-you-can-do-to-save-the-earth guilt trip is a myth. “The first definition—that life is meaningless and that there are no grounds for any moral truths—clearly doesn’t fit me. To understand more clearly I would strong suggest reading: “The Condition of the Working Class in England” by Frederick Engels – this masterpiece describes in great detail what was really going on during the mid 19th century – the heyday of the IR. Then why now, with all the world at stake, do so many people retreat into these entirely personal “solutions”? You see, for many, a new enlightened consumer choice can be the first step on a path to activism. Jensen recognizes that all beings, not just humans, not just organic life forms, value their own existence, probably no less than we do. Let’s transcend this petty debate. Yes, political action was neccessary to overthrow Tsarist Russia, just as it was to overthrow its more modern rendition, the USSR. Srsly. I have gone back and forth on this issue of what can I do, etc etc. This answered a lot of questions I had following the first “upping the stakes”. Violence is whatever violates the integrity of another person (or one’s self). We see signs of it everywhere we look today, and all the “projections” are that the herd will increase to over 9 billion by mid-century. If, alternatively, they are genuinely doing so out of a wellspring of concern for fellow man and its future on this planet, they might just have an effect that outlasts them. It is threatening the basis for their power that begets violence. And I like it. Do you see whom is oppressing and destroying whom? This, to me, is the biggest disconnect in my life. A double bind is where you’re given multiple options, but no matter what option you choose, you lose, and withdrawal is not an option. I’ll vote for you… if I know you have the back of the resistance movement, including those who will do the most dangerous and important work. The contentious nature of our kind was thus born. Specifically attacking the Simplicity Movement is not new, either. So environmental activists who run for public office, or focus on permaculture, or focus on urban gardening, or focus on education (like me), or focus on writing books (like him), etc, must see not only each other as allies to be supported but also people doing the crucial front-line work of confronting and dismantling the systems and infrastructures through which the dominant culture oppresses and destroys all living beings. But as long as there are people, there will be people trying to “get ahead”, and that individual drive will manifest itself as activities that do not well serve the long-term best interests of the ecology as a whole, of which we humans are only a part. It is a real culture, with real institutions, real propaganda, real fuel, real leaders. Though early agricultural societies certainly gathered food initially, it doesn’t take long to deplete what is available around a village, which would have made those societies even more dependent on agriculture. his other provocative essay “Beyond Hope). – 200g waste water You fix your toaster. It also over-rates humanity’s capacity to destroy the web-of-life. Daily Health Tip Eat breakfast every day. There are certainly better methods to produce products, for instance in sustainable agriculture vs. industrialized agriculture. Stating it that clearly should be enough to demonstrate its inherent contradiction. It’s the best laid plans, they say, right? And if push ever comes to shove what side will they choose to be on: Those in power or those fighting like hell for the diversity of life.” Or as you ask: “will you betray them to the agents of the death culture?” Each of you seems to believe that there can be only allies or enemies, that if one will not condone violence one must betray those who do. I appreciate Jensen’s comments on how we are now consumers instead of citizens and that has limited our options for action. .” We have ceased living in accordance to the natural rhythmic relationship that exists between humans and nature. PCBs, plutonium particles et al that are already out there). Nothing that can’t be quantified matters, and altruism is a dead end. It is possible for you period to become shorter and lighter as you grow older. Transcending the quicksand does not mean leaving the battle – it means confronting it with more powerful weapons – weapons that those who know only swords cannot begin to understand. You bemoan: “How can I trust anyone who won’t commit to something as basic as defending the innocent?” But what you mean is defending in the only way you can imagine – with violence. Any option is a better option than a dead planet. Catholic radio stations working with the people power movement sounded the alarm. WOULD ANY SANE PERSON think dumpster diving would have stopped Hitler, or that composting would have ended slavery or brought about the eight-hour workday, or that chopping wood and carrying water would have gotten people out of Tsarist prisons, or that dancing naked around a fire would have helped put in place the Voting Rights Act of 1957 or the Civil Rights Act of 1964? I agree with both sides completely. The most striking contrast is the way Jensen’s piece is once again filled with the energy of anger while Jay Griffiths’ is filled with the energy of compassion, as is the Transition Movement itself filled with the energy of compassion. The debate so far is best summarized as such: those who cut down the unwanted species, and those who try to plant seeds. He is opposed to all civilized technology. Wyckoff, Where Are the Stops - Jim

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