fallout: new vegas ghoul companion

Danny Trejo One day, after she failed to return from a market where she had been scavenging for food, Raul went in search of her only to find her brutally murdered, her corpse violated by raiders so horribly that she was only identifiable by a tiny scar on her knee. Feeling increasingly optimistic about him and his sisters' chances, Raul started to play with the thought of carving out a permanent niche in Mexico City, but things would soon take a turn for the worse. Fallout New Vegas: 10 Choices That Will Effect Which Ending You Get. eye color Sure, boss, the old man will crawl around in the dirt to keep hidden. class 2047 This author has not specified whether they have used assets from other authors or not, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets. FollowersCombatStyleRanged [5], After the fire, Raul knew that they could not stay at their ranch anymore and the refugees wanted him dead so badly they put a bounty out on him. Enjoy new additions to Fallout: New Vegas such as a Companion Wheel that streamlines directing your companions, a Reputation System that tracks the consequences of your actions, and the aptly titled Hardcore Mode to separate the meek from the mighty. He can help you craft,make ammo, play caravan, and repair your gear. Feeling dejected, Raul wandered west to the Mojave Wasteland, where he built himself a small shack in a relatively quiet corner of the desert east of New Vegas, and settled down there, spending his days listing to the Black Mountain Radio. Before recruiting him as a companion, Raul will repair items for a fee in his prison room. Fallout: New Vegas. Try double click it. 1 Base game 1.1 List 1.2 Temporary followers 1.3 Cut followers 2 Dead Money 3 Honest Hearts 4 Old World Blues 5 Lonesome Road 6 Overview 6.1 Nerve 6.2 Weapons 6.2.1 Armor 7 Behind the scenes 8 Bugs 8.1 Fixed bugs (Patch All eight permanent companions in Fallout: New Vegas… Guns:92 → 100Repair:95 → 100Science:90 → 100 Instead, New Vegas reavers are more comparable to the other feral ghoul variants, as they no longer possess the radioactive gore missile attack, their lunges do not cause much knockback and they no longer emit radiation. ". Most of his banter consists of ridiculing the Courier's choices through sarcastic praise and insincere enthusiasm. [12] If freed from captivity, he will join the player out of gratitude. State of UtobithaCourier (optional) Viewing the engine level code of Fallout: New Vegas, Nerve has been completely disabled at some point in a prior patch. What's left of them anyways. I mean, they're probably going to die anyways, right boss? Raul Alfonso Tejada[1] is a Mestizo[2] ghoul mechanic, gunslinger and potential companion from Mexico, imprisoned at Black Mountain in 2281. 14→22→37 (DLCs only) Though this worried him, Raul noticed how the outfit kept his sister happy, so Raul kept wearing it and his legend in the area continued to grow. RaulClass Leaving every aspect of his former life behind, including as Raul cleverly says, "his face", he wandered to the Gulf Coast and inhabited an unclaimed Petró-Chico refinery. A new taste of adventure reminds Raul of his tumultuous past, prompting him to consider if he should embrace his old gunslinging ways, in which case he will be forced to decide between two different ways of life. By the time he found Claudia, she was already dead. In the Dunwich building in Fallout 3 you can find holotapes from a man called Jaime (I think thats his name) and as they go on you can hear his voice becoming more and more ghoul like and eventually he turns into a feral ghoul I believe. affiliation Ed-E. Quest: Ed-E My Love. [9], This peace was not to last. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Why do you gain Karma for killing Fiends/Feral Ghouls? What I'm working on is the first advanced top notch Stand-Alone Ghoul companion ever made for fallout new vegas. head add ons RaulTejada.txt. Ray, his father, and brother Joshua Graham lived in Mexico city for a couple years until the bombs dropped. [10] Having taken several bullets, Raul stayed at their camp until he got the strength to get up and walk back to Two Sun and recovered.[11]. He settled there, becoming a mechanic and a general handyman, his guns stashed away where they could do no further harm. 6 ST, 6 PE, 4 EN, 2 CH, 7 IN, 8 AG, 5 LK She will then appear outside the prison building and attack with a few other nightkin. Free Raul or acquire him as a companion, do not complete his personal quest, Invigorated by his travels with the Courier, Raul once more took up his guns in memory of his lost. Convinced that his time as a gunslinger was past, Raul made peace with the idea of growing old. GunslingerRepairmanCompanion Raul and Rafaela managed to escape out a window, but his parents, grandmother, two brothers, and two of his sisters were not as fortunate. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Personal preference. When compared to the other human companions of the Wasteland, Raul is perhaps the most tolerant towards the Legion when compared to everyone else who would suffer should the Legion be victorious. Ghoul Trigger: Recruit Ed-E, then speak to Johnson Nash in Primm, either in his shop (after installing a new Sheriff), or at the Vicki and Vance (when you first arrive in town).. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. A tacky, cowboy-festooned mirror. He took it and wore it back to their camp. Acquire Raul as a companion and complete his personal quest, Old School Ghoul, by convincing him to become a vaquero again. Brown After 75 years of relative peace, he met Claudia - a prostitute working in a local brothel who bore a striking resemblance to Rafaela. hair style Adds a ghoul companion to the game with companion wheel.He is located in the Prospector Saloon.Known issues:He sometimes doesnt change is combatstyle. This guide will also help you start and complete the quest "Crazy, Crazy Crazy". He found a Petró-Chico jumpsuit and began to wear it, taking the name "Mi… ", "Ahh, sarsaparilla. Raul Tejada appears only in Fallout: New Vegas. Ranger Clint 5 by spartenkiller897, on Flickr. Afterward, the station will no longer play music. Much like in every other Fallout game, New Vegas introduces a number of recruitable allies. He is located in the Prospector Saloon. Primarily, he'll retort "Keeping quiet, unless my creaking knees give us away..." If convinced to take up his gun-slinging ways, he'll sarcastically comment on how well a ghoul, When asked to stay close, he will say "any closer and you'll need a, When damaged enough, he will say "Boss! Just putting this out there, boss: if these Super mutants kidnap us and force us to fix toasters for them, it's on you. Born in 2047,[3] Raul has had a long and storied history. I was sick, so I stayed at our camp. Ray's father gave Joshua a gun called, A Light Shining In The Darkness, and gave Ray, a unique.44, he told them to only use it … Raul the Ghoul can be rescued from Prison Building in Black Mountain. I guess hunting down ghouls like wild animals is okay. I won't let you take my Raul!" Hey, I'm one of you! ref id (Will override all other endings). Gameplay The people inside the city got by through looting, already forming the area's first raider tribes. GECK race Youth, however, was not on his side anymore and the battle left him severely injured; he only stayed alive out of pure spite for Dirty Dave and his brothers. One day he lost the signal being transmitted and decided to wander up to Black Mountain to investigate. Instant ghoul removal. He's OP after Old School Ghoul, and he's also great company! 1.00 If I buy it out there, I want twelve mariachi bands playing at my funeral. That's just what this dry old throat needs.". [13] He feels a similar indifference to the New California Republic, acknowledging both their successes and failures, like most pre-War governments had. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Lost companions?". ", When sneaking, he will make various remarks about how this won't go well. After traveling with the Courier for a time, he retired and settled down in Outer Vegas, where he would spend his days fixing ancient machinery. karma Biography My long range stealth sniper kills didn't require either a stealth boy or a high skill, and there aren't enough "what's round the next corner" vaults and maze buildings to justify it here. While the English version of the game does not make a big deal of his accent other than his correctly pronouncing Spanish words and names, the Spanish, French, German and Italian versions give Raul a heavily stereotyped. Raul Tejada, the ghoul handyman found captive at Black Mountain, must be the Courier's active companion when the player character initiates dialogue with Ranger Andy in Novac, Corporal Sterling in Camp McCarran (or Camp Forlorn Hope) and Loyal at Nellis Air Force Base. 000E60EF The new influx of ghouls bring scavenged technology and know-how, and the power plant in Gecko becomes operational later that year. location ", "How did you know I had sweet tooth, boss? I guess it must have been the beginnings of radiation poisoning. It is likely that Companion Suite is the replacement for the Nerve mechanic. The stories of lone-survivors traveling https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Raul_Tejada?oldid=3437804. Fallout: New Vegas Companion … Glow & Grumpy: Feral ghoul companions for both Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Fallout: New Vegas holds a unique status within the Fallout franchise, mixing the more advanced technology and combative aspects of the newer Fallout 3 and 4, with the more story-focused and RPG elements of the original two Fallout games. About this mod Gully the ghoul is a feral ghoul companion which you can get by heading over to the Goodsprings school house. Fallout: New Vegas. Male Adds a ghoul companion to the game with companion wheel. ... My favorite is Raul because if you give him a Medicine Stick after doing Old School Ghoul he's awesome, but not only that, he's a joy to be around. The feral ghoul reaver returns in Fallout: New Vegas, but it is nowhere near the potent combatant as the Fallout 3 version. He is one of the few NPC's that can repair weapons and armour but he does it for less caps. User Info: sandmaker. EyebrowMBeardMustacheThin sandmaker ... Anyways, went to blackmountain to get the ghoul companion and boone was hanging out shooting mutants right by neil's shack.

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