find the area of a composite shape

Compound shapes. CK-12 PLIX Interactive . To find the area of a composite shape, simply find the area of each individual shape and add them together. So this is going to be 9. 1 plus 1 is 2. Then, find the area of the second shape. 27 times 1/2 is 13.5. Level 6 - Some puzzling composite area questions designed to challenge. of the entire thing, we just have to So this area is going to (1), Count by ones forwards / backwards from various starting points between 1 and 100. We have two digits to the Loading... Save for later. figure of 60.75 square units. First, find all of the missing side lengths. So we get a total area for this To find the area of a square or rectangle, just multiply the width of the shape by its height. The total area is . And then, we will use these formulas for finding the area of basic polygons, to find the area of composite figures. 15 + 12 = 27 and so, the area of the compound shape is 27 cm 2. going to be 3.5 square units. here in the hundredths. I could break the shape to the right into 2 pieces and find the area of the square then the area of the rectangle. So given that, Level 4 - Composite shapes made up of quadrilaterals, triangles and circles. (1), Sort and Compare Shapes Using Some Geometrical Language to Describe Their Features (1), Recognise Static Images in Embedded Situation (1), Produce Representations of Simple Shapes (2), Use Properties of Shapes to Classify Shapes into Classes Using Appropriate Language (2), Have Awareness of the Attribute of Length and its Descriptive Language (1), Compare, Order and Match Objects by Length (1), Use Uniform Units Appropriately to Quantify Length, Assigning Number and Unit to the Measure (2), Have Awareness of the Attribute of Mass and its Descriptive Language (1), Compare, Order and Match Objects by Mass (1), Use Uniform Units to Appropriately Quantify Mass (2), Have and Awareness of the Attributes of Capacity and its Descriptive Language (1), Compare, Order and Match Objects by Capacity (1), Use Informal Units to Measure Capacity (2), Use Uniform Units Appropriately to Quantify Capacity (2), Is Aware of the Attribute of Time and can use its Descriptive Language (1), Clock Times, Days of the Week and Months and Key Events (1), Describe the Features and Purpose of Clock Faces (1), Know Clock Times to Half-Hour, Days of the Week and Months of the Year (2), Understand Some Simple Everyday Location Words (1), Uses Everyday Location Words to Describe Positions (2), Has Awareness of the Visual Nature of Information in a Pictograph (1), Can Make and Respond to Information in a Simple Pictograph, Can Make and Respond to Information in a Pictograph, Bar or Column Graph (2), Read, Make and Interpret Simple Graphs (2), Distributive Laws to Expansion of Algebraic Expressions (8), Index Laws With Numerical/Algebraic Expressions (9), Distributive Law to Expand Expressions Including Binomials and Collect Like Terms (9), Factorising Algebraic Expressions By Taking out Common Algebraic Factors (10), Simplify Algebraic Products and Quotients Using index Laws (10), Apply the Four Operations to Simple Algebraic Fractions with Numerical Denominators (10), Factorising Monic Quadratic Expressions (10), Rearranging Formulas to Solve for a Particular Term (10), Estimate Measure and Compare Angles Using Degrees (5), Classifying Triangles and Describing Quadrilaterals (7), Corresponding, Alternate and Co-Interior Angles (7), Calculate the Perimeter and Area of Rectangles (5), Formulas for the Area of Rectangles Triangles and Parallelograms (7), Formulas for the Perimeter and Area of Parallelograms Trapeziums Rhombuses and kites (8), Features Of Circles – Area and Circumference (8), Calculating the Area of Composite Shapes (9), Surface Area and Volume of Right Prisms (9), Surface Area and Volume of Right Pyramids (Year 10A), Surface Area and Volume of Spheres (Year 10A), Surface Area and Volume of Cones (Year 10A), Finding Coordinates On a Cartesian Plane (7), Describing Possible Everyday Events and Order Their Chances of Occurring (4), Identify Everyday Events Where One Cannot Happen if the Other Happens (4), Describing Probabilities and Equally Likely Outcomes (5), Describing Probabilities Using Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (6), Comparing Observed Frequencies With Expected Frequencies (6), Complementary Events and Sum of Probabilities (8), Two/Three-step Chance Experiments and Independence (10), Surveying for Data then Interpret and Compare Data Displays (2/3), Constructing Data Displays and Dot Plots (5), Identify and Investigate Issues with Numerical Data (7), Calculating Mean, Median Mode and Range for a set of data (7), Calculating Mean, Median, Mode and Range from a Frequency Table (7), Describing and Interpreting Data Displays using Median, Mean and Range (7), Back to Back Stem and Leaf Plots/Describing Histograms (9), Compare Data Displays Using Mean, Median and Range to Describe and Interpret Numerical Data Sets in Terms of Location (centre) and Spread (9), Adding and Subtracting Decimal Numbers (6), Dividing Decimal Numbers by Other Decimal Numbers (7), Common Uses of Halves Quarters and Eighths of Shapes (2).

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