how big were the jaredites

The Lord came in a cloud to tell the brother of Jared where they should travel, but he did not see him (Ether 2:4). Even though they also had a written language, the Pre-classic Maya in the Peten were at their apex from about 300 BC to about 100 AD10, whereas the Olmec precipitously declined in population about 350 BC and ceased to be a recognizable culture by about 300 BC 11. The San Diego Giant, 1895 – 8ft 4 inch mummy. (It is well established that … They are found in Times and Seasons, of which he was editor and manager and for which he had personally assumed complete responsibility. The battle leaves the wilderness of Akish and continues into the plains of Agosh, which I propose is located at least partially within the Nephite land of Desolation. The references to the Nephite lands within the record of the Jaredites provide many key locations that help construct an internal Jaredite map. A thorough reading of Chapters 13 through 15 of Ether makes it clear that all the Jaredites were destroyed—every one except for Coriantumr and Ether. 11. They were here in the American continent from approximately 2100 BC to 600 BC, about 1500 years. The Egyptians were descended from Mizraim, son of Ham (Genesis 10:6 ). …and thus the land on the northward [from the line] was called Desolation, and the land on the southward [from the line] was called Bountiful, it being the wilderness which is filled with all manner of wild animals of every kind, a part of which had come from the land northward for food. This exponential increase in This means that a Nephite would have been able to complete the journey from an eastern point to the west sea in the specified amount of time. – Ether 15:25-26 The length of the line from the east to the west sea was the same as the distance across the narrow neck of land that led from the land Bountiful into the land northward. Verse 17 says they were exceedingly tight like a dish, top bottom and sides, peaked at the ends to provide more buoyancy lift there in big waves, the length of a tree (about 70ft) and a door which when shut was tight like a dish. The length of this defensive line was only about 12-20 miles 7. I will start the analysis in Part I by establishing the definitions I used to analyze the geography of the Jaredites and touch on some of the important relevant historical background within the Book of Ether before exploring the main focus of this article as follows: By 72 BC the Nephites possessed all of the land northward from the narrow strip of wilderness and had started to possess the Jaredite land northward including the land of Desolation. Their mission, which was to last five years, stretched into nearly twenty-five years. Desolation would have bordered the Pacific Ocean as would the greater land of Moron to the west of Desolation. In addition, the Jaredites were outdoorsmen who labored with brute strength to build and carve out an existence in an untamed and inhospitable land along the Euphrates River which is an area that is extremely hot in the summer months, reaching 120ºF, and below freezing in the winter months. The brother of Jared had 22 children and Jared had 12 (Ether 6:20). Etusivu / Yleinen / when were the jaredites destroyed. The first step in determining the succinct placement of landmarks between the Jaredites and Nephites is understanding the placement of seas surrounding the land. The following is a list of all the intersections of the geography of the Jaredites and the people throughout the rest of the Book of Mormon. (Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7) Angels had the power to materialize in human form. Again, the use of the word up shows that Moron was higher in elevation than the wilderness of Akish. The Olmec heartland and surrounding areas meet all the requirements necessary to be the most likely and reasonable candidate for the Jaredite people. Coriantumr camped nearby in the valley of Shurr. 11 On the internet at Civilizations in America Richard Hooker states: “Around 300 BC, the Olmec vanished for reasons that vanished with them. (Obras históricas de don Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl -"Giants") (The Spanish word for Giants is Gigantes.) The Jaredites go to work, and build small and light barges. A Prophet's Warning. They were "tight like unto a dish; and the ends thereof were peaked." 3. These specific mentions of the geography, which may seem minute with a casual read, cumulatively amount to an internal map of the Jaredite people. Did the Nephites encounter these Jaredites remnant peoples? (see Ether chapter 15) Whether the Adena were the Jadeites or not, the things they left behind give us great insight into the lives of Book of Mormon people in … 28 I personally conclude they were the same as those given to the brother [Page 94] … …Wherefore Omer departed out of the land with his family, and traveled many days, and came over and passed by the hill of Shim, and came over by the place where the Nephites were destroyed, and from thence eastward, and came to a place which was called Ablom, by the seashore…. Note that this question has changed. Another possibility is that the herbivorous dinosaurs were ectothermic (cold blooded), and being huge helped them regulate their temperature. The big bang is how astronomers explain the way the universe began. The land Desolation was located adjacent to Bountiful, which was part of the land southward (Alma 22:30-32). Apparently that last civil war did not extend northward from Ripliancum (Papaloapan Basin). In 345 AD Mormon fled Joshua (Mormon 2:16) into the land northward to Jashon, near hill Shim, then northward to city Shem, and then eventually back to Joshua in the land southward (Mormon 2:27).5 In chapter 14 in verses 12-14 the following route unfolds as the battle leaves Moron for the last time: The jaws were prognathus (projecting beyond the face) and the facial index remarkably low.” Figure 11: Illustration of over 8-foot skeleton discovered near Miamisburg. The afore mentioned determination of Moron’s location and proximity relative to Desolation shows that the sea that bordered Desolation was most likely the same sea nearest Moron. Following is a short chronology of their history. If so, then this … He concludes this new find with asserting its importance, “It is certainly a good thing for the excellency [sic] and veracity of the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon, that the ruins of Zarahemla have been found…” While it is one thing to be able to establish the location with modern technology, it is quite another, some would even say revelatory, or Joseph Smith to have established the same thing during his time. The book of Ether only records Jared’s lineage, but we know other families came to the promised land at the same time. The west sea land Bountiful bordered the west sea, extended northward from the narrow strip of wilderness, and was located south from and adjacent to Desolation. When Corihor rebelled against his father, the king, he “…went over and dwelt in the land of Nehor…” (Ether 7:4). It is curious that being a “descendant of Zarahemla” would be associated with large size. From the geographical evidence within the text of the Book of Ether, I will systematically examine the above claims through a careful reading of the terminology and events of the Jaredites. They could have been the foundational culture of the Mixtec people around Puebla. Jaredites had a true civilization from about. 10. Placing the internal maps within Mesoamerica Each culture had distinctions in their manner of building and purpose. The giant sauropods had to eat plants as fast as they could, to grow big enough to be safe from carnivores like T. rex and Spinosaurus. Of the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy. By constructing an internal map and identifying a probable physical location of the Kingdom of the descendants of the Jaredites, it follows that archeological evidence should be able to relatively identify a possible descendant culture of the Jaredite people. Since the wilderness of Akish is located in between Moron and Desolation and the seashore is southerly, then the plains of Agosh could only have been located to the north, east, or some combination thereof from the wilderness of Akish. In the end, Ether observes and records the destruction of the entire kingdom and fulfillment of prophecy. I will openly concede to anyone whose argument is rooted in the Book of Mormon and discredits mine. And it bordered upon the land which they called Desolation, it being so far northward that it came into the land which had been peopled and been destroyed. When the Jaredites were righteous, they were blessed; and when they rejected the word of the Lord and refused to repent, the Spirit of the Lord ceased striving … Their civilization lasted for over 2000 years, yet little remains visible to mark their people. Although the body of work that is dedicated to the history and account of the Jaredite people is only a fraction of the overall text of the Book of Mormon, cardinal directions, descriptions of specific locations, and references to Nephite locations are used throughout the brief body of work. When the Jaredites left Babylon, big pyramid-shaped temple platforms called . Shipbuilding (Ether 2:16-17 ). As far as I am aware, most of the Mesoamerican proponents are in agreement that the Olmec, or at least the Heartland Olmec were where the majority of Jaredites resided. The experts in shipbuilding were the Phoenicians and, to a lesser extent, the Egyptians. 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. When searching and researching the Mound Builders, you inevitably come across articles about large skeletons associated with the mounds, especially the Adena sites. Land of Zarahemla Desolation then went northward from that line until it came into the land where the Jaredites were summarily destroyed. Additionally, when Coriantumr chased Lib to Moron, Lib retreated to the seashore, illustrating that Moron is close enough to a seashore that the seashore would be the next natural line of defense (Ether 14:12-14). 15 And the brother of Jared also begat sons and … There Were Jaredites, ed. Mahonri Moriancumer, the brother of Jared was a Large and Mighty man. The name Ham ( khem ) shows up as kum or cum in names such as Kumen, Cumorah, Cumeni, Kumenonhi, Kishkumen, Moriancumer, and Teancum. The precedence for such an interpretation is established in Ether 7:9 when Ephraim fought against his brother Corihor, “…And after he had armed them with swords he returned to the city Nehor and gave battle unto his brother Corihor, by which means he obtained the kingdom and restored it unto his father Kib.” Kib had previously been king of Moron until his son usurped his power and dethroned him. The Brother of Jared or Mahonri Moriancumur I have been reading in the book of Ether lately and a long with that have been reading up on the Jaredites through miscellaneous articles. In addition, two types of wind phenomena occur in the summer months: 1) From April to June, and from … The Jaredites Came From the Tower of Babel. In the Bible, the first reference to a man’s size being “Mighty” is in Genesis 6: At first they were a righteous people and were blessed and prospered. The following geographic map is proposed according to what I believe the Book of Mormon requires. After all, we are all looking to establish the same thing: Where the Book of Mormon took place. precision, will provide a guideline for further research and study of these areas. The Jaredites were Asiatics that followed God. 30. 15 They were the pure blood of Adam. Coriantumr was with the Mulekites, King Zarahemla’s ancestors, for 9 moons… enough time to have fathered a child before he died? And they say that they traveled for 104 years through different parts of the world until they … Land of first inheritance or the Landing place of Lehi Land of first inheritance or the Landing place of Lehi Fact: Their fathers are called “sons of the true God.”(Genesis 6:2) The Bible uses this same expression to describe angels. [Christensen] There is another thing to. These records were carried by Ether from the hill Ramah, afterwards called Cumorah, where the Jaredites were destroyed, as well as the Nephites. Therefore, Bountiful was located adjacent to the west sea, hereafter called the west sea land Bountiful. I’m not going to pretend I know what this scripture is saying, but to me it associates the word “mighty” with “giant”. The Jaredites Crossed the Wilderness, a Quarter Where No Man Had Ever Been. Joseph Smith additionally states, “…we have found another important fact relating to the truth of the Book of Mormon. You have entered an incorrect email address. 1. All contained in a 100-120 km. I was trying to collect genealogical data from my paternal family. Therefore, Bountiful was located adjacent to the west sea, hereafter called the west sea land Bountiful. Land of Zarahemla The narrow neck of land that led into the land northward had to have been located southward of the land northward, or at least southward of the principal part of the land northward and within the southern part of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. City “Lib” must have been near the west sea land Bountiful (Ether 10:20-21 & Alma 22:31), near the Nephite west sea (Ether 10:19 & Alma 32:31), near a place where the Nephite west sea divided the land, and near the narrow neck of land leading by the west sea into the lands northward/southward (Ether 10:19-21 & Alma 63:5). They gathered flocks and seeds, and journeyed to a place on the sea that they called Moriancumer (Ether 2:13). They came upon a seashore where they made eight barges and traveled across the sea to a promised land, somewhere in North, South, or Central America. The proposed west sea land Bountiful is shown by the small yellow oval. The Jaredites were told by the Lord that they would be led into a land which is “choice above all other lands of the earth” (Ether 1:42). The Jaredites were a group of people that dwelt near the Tower of Babel. It’s worth noting though that these canal barges don’t fit the description we have … Big enough to carry elephants? Enough evidence of large skeletons have been found that The History Channel commissioned an entire show titled Search for the Lost Giants in North America. About 14 years after the last civil war started at Moron, the final battle occurred near the hill Ramah/Cumorah wherein all the remaining Jaredites participating in that civil war were killed except Coriantumr. Later when The Ulmecas and Xicalancas were put under bondage by the first settlers, who were called giants or Quinametzin.' Hugh Nibley's There were Jaredites and The World of the Jaredites argue for the Pacific Ocean, but Milton R. Hunter argues for the Atlantic Ocean.. Each had tremendous influence and impact in very different ways in this drama, some of which is played out on the Hill Cumorah countryside. John W. Welch, Darrell L. Matthews, and Stephen R. Callister, vol. Told my kids they would have the chore of emptying out the leavings of the animals. Nehor9 is the next city mentioned after the city of Moron. A key part to understanding these verses is in understanding the pronouns that determine the relationship between the different lands. They were led to the Americas, by God, at the time of the Tower of Babel. Desolation then went northward from that line until it came into the land where the Jaredites were summarily destroyed. The Jaredites were unique among the nations that have been dedicated to God. – Ether 1:34 13 And it came to pass that Coriantumr pursued him; and Lib gave battle unto him upon the seashore. Fernando Alva Ixtlilxochitl relates that the ancestral Indians (who I believe were the Jaredites) "came to these parts [Mexico], having first crossed large lands and seas, living in caves and undergoing great hardships, until they came to this land, which they found good and fertile for their habitation. (Alma 22:29-30) were being erected. called Ripliancum (Ether 15:8) 5. Jaredite Journey to the Coast . Over 5 million people had been killed by the time the three battles on the hill Comnor had ended. (Alma 22:27). "…men… twelve hands [10 feet tall ] in height…" locations for the Jaredites. When the Jaredite kingdom started to disintegrate into the destroying of people and land, the overall route took a circular but decidedly northern progression starting from the west of Moron in the valley of Gilgal where Coriantumr and Shared met to battle. Though their stores of food and freshwater were greatly diminished, they were now near promised shores. Ammon, the explorer, Strong and Mighty, was also a descendant of Zarahemla. (Sorenson, 111) 2. After 344 days at sea, the brother of Jared and approximately 22 other adults were led to the “Land of their inheritance” and landed on “the shore of the promised land” (Ether 5:12) and started their kingdom. Desolation was located on the southern part of the land northward and bordered the same Nephite west sea. This same reasoning applies when understanding the location of the wilderness of Akish in relation to Moron. The instructions were good, though they lacked (unnecessary) explanation to allay my concerns along the way. (See the next post, “Were The Jaredites All Annihilated or Were There Survivors? This conclusion is initially established as the family expresses gratitude for not encountering any whales or sea monsters during their travels (Ether 5:10). Chapter 9 sheds further light on the area of the Jaredites when King Omer had to flee from Moron: Buried with that skeleton was a sword that was so large Willard, a professional athlete, could not hold it up with one hand. Some years ago, I was walking on this narrow neck of land, where the sea divides the land. Both of these examples support defense tactics that would have logically compelled the Jaredites to initially choose an area to settle that was higher in elevation than the surrounding areas. The Jaredites go to work, and build small and light barges. One of them would qualify as ‘the great tower’(Eth 1:33). Coriantumr builds up his army for two years in the wilderness of Akish and then attacks Lib in Moron (Ether 14:7,11). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some Lamanites lived near the place where Lehi and his sons first arrived along the same sea that bordered west of the land of Nephi, …. Not only were the two groups initially separated by 1500 years and led to the same promised land, but they were also led to the same general area. West Sea of the land southward Their history is found in the book of Ether in the Book of Mormon. Moron was located near but not in the land Desolation (Ether 7:6). Human history is filled with impactful individuals who shape society and who lead and push people in one of two basic directions—toward evil or toward righteousness. The civilization existed roughly between 2700 B.C. Establishing an expanded internal map of the geography of the Jaredites The distinction signifies that the location to which Omer took his family was a lot farther away from Moron than all the other locations mentioned in conjunction with Moron throughout the book of Ether. When Jared and the rest of his family first landed upon the shore, they deemed the area the promised land. The Jaredites might have been Semites, but we have no definite proof of that one way or the other. The Land and city Desolation were located in the land northward and northward of and adjacent to the Nephite west sea land Bountiful, which was located within the land southward (Andersen4). 29…the Nephites had taken possession of all the northern parts of the land bordering on the [narrow strip of] wilderness…from the east to the west, round about on the wilderness side; on the north, even until they came to the land which they called Bountiful. Jared and his brother, Mahonri Moriancumer, saw that the Lord was going to stop the tower's progress; and prayed that the … 7 The Allens postulate this to have been about 12 miles (Exploring the Lands of the Book of Mormon, 119). By Doug Christensen In July 1941, at a conference sponsored by the Mexican Society of Anthropology, new findings were presented about a race of people that predated the Mayas in Mesoamerica.Though scholars did their best to discredit the findings, this culture which has come to be known as the Olmecs has been shown to reach back to pre-Christian times during which … What's This Big Bang All About? The people … All of these scriptures help in adding to the description of the topography of the land. In 1915 newlyweds Willard and Rebecca Bean were called by President Joseph F. Smith to leave their home in Richfield, Utah and move into the Joseph Smith home near Palmyra, New York. In searching through the Book of Mormon there are several distinct phrases that describe being a “big guy”. The date ranges vary some depending on the source. The Jaredite hill Ramah and the Nephite hill Cumorah were the same hill (Ether 15:11). In any case, the route depicted in the scriptures shows that all three locations can be accessed from any of those points making them relatively close together. Most people readily accept the stories of giants in the Bible, especially Goliath, who was either 9 feet 6 inches, or 6 feet 9 inches, depending on the scholar. A simple google search of “Adena Giants” will give you plenty. The barges were constructed in a very tight manner. The new settlers, landed on the coast of Vera Cruz and migrated. The Jaredites followed his directions and built the barges. The text of the Book of Ether implies that from the Valley of Nimrod the Jaredites were led directly into the wilderness or desert (Ether 2:5). 8 See appendix B for information explaining why Desolation was east of Moron. Enon Historial Society, National Historic Site, … Some, from these families, could have eventually extended into southern Mesoamerica and northward past the Mexico City area. As the site of the first kingdom and the place “where the king dwelt” (Ether 7:5), the phrase the kingdom refers to the physical land of Moron and surrounding cities that fall under Jaredite reign. (If you click on the photos in this blog the picture will be enlarged for better viewing.) The Jaredites were descendants of Jared, his brother, and other righteous people of their family. East Sea of the land southward If the other 11 couples also had an average of 17 children, then there would have been about 200 children and many grandchildren by the time Jared and his brother died approximately 50 years after landing2. Then Gilead trapped Coriantumr in the wilderness of Akish for two years. ziggurats. Desolation was located northward from the line and was part of the land northward. I'm wondering if the connections made in this section are from the work cited in the article, The Jaredites Were Black by David Grant Stewart, 1978. If Corihor had to go up from the land of Nehor, then Moron must be higher in elevation than Nehor. It, or the wilderness, refers to the land southward, which was called Bountiful. It is important to note that the Book of Ether is an abridgement of an abridgement and thus may explain what can be considered as limited geographic descriptions within the account as compared to the rest of the Book of Mormon. The vantage point would have made Moron easier to defend. A few that I have been particularly impressed with have been by Grant Hardy via Meridian Magazine and another was by David Stewart entitled "Jaredites: The First … Shiz then chased Coriantumr northward to Ripliancum and continued the battle that leads to the wounding of Coriantumr. Pāora Te Potangaroa's Prophecy. Central America, or Guatemala, is situated north of the Isthmus of Darien and once embraced several hundred miles of territory from north to south. The specific wording that caught my attention was “Large and Mighty” which almost always refers to Jaredites. 5 in The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley. – Helaman 1:15-16 Barges could often reach 78 feet in length and hold 70 people although most were much smaller than that. Jared and his brother, and their families, and also [their] friends Hurled by the Gulf Stream northward, the Jaredites were carried to shores of the Promised Land in the general vicinity of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. There are 2 dominant ancient cultures in the Ohio River Valley area: Reviewed by Stephen D. Ricks Nearly every reader has either written down or, more frequently, keeps in his mind, a list of those books which have had the most influence on him. There were none left to whom he could prophesy the word of the Lord. – Ether 1:34 Coriantumr, the last Jaredite, along with his 27 remaining men were all Large and Mighty men. It appears that at this time the war had covered the principal areas of the Jaredite populations and they were now ready to make their final stand at Ripliancum and then at Ramah. Just before Jared and his brother died they counted all their people. There are four commonly proposed. Maybe they were. Coriantumr gained the advantage and chased Shiz westward to the valley of Corihor. While some may view this as simply anecdotal, I feel that additional authoritative authentication only gives further credence to a theory that is so fully supported by the weight of the Book of Mormon.

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