is it bad to say on god

The term is one of amazement to say something is surprising (either in a good or bad way). Some religions view it as a spiritually detrimental practice, some see it as not spiritually detrimental and others take a situational view. Before starting my list, the editors in my head need me to say a few things, i.e., the requisite disclaimers. How do you think about the answers? He says, “If you say they are both based on God’s created design, then you have to say long hair is wrong for men in every culture.” In other words, if they have the same meaning, and they refer to God’s created design, then you have to say that long hair on men and short hair on women are always wrong in every culture without exception. I swear to God is a bit over the top. Feel free to be thankful for where you are but let's stop heaping coals on other people's shoulders – even if unintentionally. Excerpted with permission from God Will Carry You Through by Max Lucado, copyright Max Lucado. Remember: God knows what it’s like to suffer, because His Son, Jesus Christ, suffered and died on the cross for us. But if we really do want to be kind, grateful, and humble we need to think about these sayings a little more – and then stop saying them. is it bad to say this when lets say ur friend won't beleive u or somthing so u say "i sware to god its true", Question: Is it bad to say "I swear to God?". If he or she wants to say it, thats fine. By using you agree to our Privacy Policy. I hate hearing it. Let God finish His work. God? God is not the God of all seriousness. The forecast is simple. Sometimes God removes our desire for a particular sin and other times He gives us strength to resist temptation. They needed another angel in heaven. And my list of things Christians shouldn't say. It feels like divorce for a reason. He shows us what His will is, what He cherishes, and how to live in love. God loves you. But according to the verse, it's pretty clear that God doesn't cause bad things to happen. Certain words carry such a "vile" spirit, they can quickly create a reaction in others. You can sign in to vote the answer. Originally Answered: When you say I swear to god is it bad? (And I just realized this list should have had 11 things on it. Words flux in our language when it comes to this "spirit" and you may have noticed it. When we fail, God is faithful to forgive and cleanse (1 John 1:9). Right? You think it hurt when God smote your toe? Biblical war and gaming war is WAY more different. The list of bad words will change with time. What pleases God and what does not is very important. This is how many bad words we have today came about. (And I just realized this list should have had 11 things on it. God had a reason for that senseless act of violence. God and Heaven. This is the Creator saying, 'Do you want to … And my list of things Christians shouldn't say. I'm sorry, I got distracted. He certainly does permit lots of things. Now that you understand what you are saying, can we just stop it? Question: Is it bad to say "I swear to God?" It tells us that God knows what we’re going through, and He loves us and wants to help us. God loves your loved ones. It's just an expression. Oh. from Wake Forest University's School of Divinity and has undergraduate degrees in Business Administration and English with a minor in Computer Science. I've heard this said all my life as something polite you say when someone sneezes, but I've lately wondered if God appreciates a command being spoken in which a blessing is being given to someone who (for instance) may not believe in God which would then have the person saying the blessing taking the Lord's name in vain. He is also faithful to complete His work in us (Philippians 1:6). Implied in this is a very specific understanding of how God interacts with the world. Jesus before his death tried to stop animal sacrifice in a temple, are you sure he was non-vegetarian or people edited the bible? God is coming for your loved ones. Hmmmm – must be God's will. This is my name forever; this is my title for all generations'" (Cf Ex 3). He did not say, "follow my words and you will find truth." My children are not permitted to say it (nor do they even want to either.) It is true that he allows bad things to happen but he doesn't cause them. Sometimes God lets us go in our sinful ways so that we learn to obey, but that doesn’t make Him blameworthy for the sin we commit. ?......the "spirit" or emotion that is behind them. The problem I have with this one is the comma. I'm all for doing it in regard to our own lives but in someone else's life? Most people would agree on this definition of ‘bad things’. No. Get Sojourners delivered straight to your inbox. He wants us to read it. Question: I recently stumbled upon a video from a very good, well-known priest who said he thinks saying “Oh my God” is a mortal sin since it uses the name of God in a vain or empty way. But generally just a social grace, of sorts. Even though God is immensely good, bad things will happen. When faced with death in a foxhole – grenade flying overhead and limbs being blown off the person next to me –I am likely to soil my britches. Unless otherwise noted, all material © Sojourners 2021, 10 Things You Can't Do At Christmas While Following Jesus, 10 Things THE CHURCH Can't Do While Following Jesus, 10 Political Things You Can't Do While Following Jesus, 10 Things You Can't Do While Following Jesus. 17 He claimed attributes belonging only to God: to be able to forgive people of their sin, free them from habits of sin, give people a more abundant life and give them eternal life in heaven. Anger at God is essentially telling God that He has done something wrong, which He never does. If they dont, then thats fine too. Who am I (and who are you) to be deciding for someone else what is getting between them and God? Read James 5:12, "your word shall be enough". If any list has been overdone in the Christian blogging world, it's this list. He received his M. Div. Though God is deserving of our reverence and fear, He also has a sense of humor. I do not consider this to be an exhaustive list. The practice of making oaths was to guarantee before men and God that the person making the oath would fulfill his obligation or carry out a promise. Finally, specific to this list, I think people who say these things are mostly trying to be kind, grateful, and even humble when they say some of them. And God … However, not only is that simply not true for everyone when faced with death, it is really bad logic. But the Bible actually has other things to say about the bad things that can happen to us and how God is always there to put us back on the right path. He's an ordained minister in the PC(USA) and a self-described progressive. This way of seeing God turns us all into puppets — God's little play things who really have no freewill. What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do.” If God is willing to take responsibility for everything, then is it wrong to blame Him when disaster or heartache strikes us? Is it not prideful to claim that you are saved? Anger at God is a result of an inability or unwillingness to trust God even when we do not understand what He is doing. It should be a period. xoxox It turns out I've got a log in my eye. Apophatic theology is often assessed as being a version of atheism or agnosticism, since it cannot say truly that God exists. " So, does this mean that it is allowable as a \"freedom in Christ\" issue? [86] " Plus, go back to #7. Are they where they are because they lack the grace of God that others receive? These are the same folks who ask God to help them win sporting events. You weren’t made for this misery. Some of these answers seem easy: cancer is bad, violence is bad, death of a loved one is bad, the Holocaust was bad. If Jesus conquered sin 2000 years ago, why is sin still prevalent to this day? Our loving-king Holy Father gives us advice, comfort and so much more in the Bible. Statements like this have their roots in that nasty “everything happens for a reason” thinking. This doesn’t mean bad things will never happen to us—but even when they do, we can know God is with us, and He will give us strength to stand against them. . James 1:13 says :"When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone." But God is in all days. It is also a sacrilege to be swearing to God. I guess God wanted to smite your toe. Unlike other teachers who focused people on their words, Jesus pointed people to himself. Among the world's religions, views on masturbation vary widely. Yes it is. They just want to stay alive ... and possibly a clean pair of britches. After further thought, I have a problem with the comma, everything that comes after it and “the sinner.”. And for that matter, if you are “living right,” why didn't you take that spot and leave the one up front for someone else? God inspired the Holy Bible for a reason. We value your feedback! “A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” (Ecclesiastes 3:4)It is clear throughout Scripture that God is good, but it is also clear that we will endure pain, fear, and heartache. I love being cool. God engineered romance to express itself in fidelity and loyalty — in oneness (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:9; 1 Corinthians 7:2–13). And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black, Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No,' 'No,' anything beyond this comes from the evil one.". I find it funny how many christians break this rule and many don't even realize it. Hmmmm – must be God's will. Me. You shall not take his name when you're swearing according to what Jesus said in the New Testament. If we sin, we are responsible. Do you truly think a god needs toys? Oh, give me just a minute though. Muslims use the phrase “God is great”—substituting kabir (great) for akbar (greater)—in different situations. Theologians refer to this as theodicy, a term that means “justifying God.” Also, as I've explained in other posts, in this “10 Things You Can't Do While Following Jesus” series, I'm not saying that people who follow Jesus don't do these things; I'm saying that you can't say you are following Jesus' example when you do them. However, I also read an article from another good priest who says, “While morally problematic to thoughtlessly use the name of God, (it) does not rise to a level of serious sin.” An Irish Christian Eschatologist. God inspired the Holy Bible for a reason. So, let me judge them for trying to justify judging others. Sure, they are half joking but keep in mind it's only half joking. The argument has been made that everything God created is good, and that this includes hemp. God spoke further to Moses, 'Thus shall you say to the Israelites: 'The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. Here is Gods' answer, if you are called to profess that you are telling the truth... "and if in a truthful, just and righteous way you swear, 'As surely as the Lord lives,' then the nations will be blessed by Him and in Him they will glory.". In other words, they are asking for God to damn those whom they feel are ripe for His judgment. To use God's name in a vain way means doing so in a casual or idle way. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’ . Now that I think about it, the problem I have with this one is that there's not a period after love. How about walking in the shoes you're grateful not to be in for just a minute? Really? ), You. Better to just say yes or no. These are things that can leave us questioning not only whether God is good, but whether he even exists. Really? He knows all that we are up against. The Bible has survived so much and is available for you today. Oh, well. And apparently it's cool to judge others. What was it you were telling me about using the Bible to prove a fact? If it makes you feel better, you're forgiven. He knows all that we are up against. The political correctness of certain words have pushed them into being a federal offence for saying them in certain cases. While the use of euphemisms for God's name may not be as bad as using the actual names, since there may be a sincere intent here to avoid violating God's command, it constitutes a violation nonetheless. In the Bible it says "let your yes be your yes and your no be your no" and not to swear on anything that isn't yours, i.e. Good days. Have you ever been riding in a car when the driver pulls into a parking space right in front of the store and proclaims, “I must be living right!”? Third, the Bible tells us that in the meantime, God can give us victory over evil. Bad days. 'The case is over': GOP senators check out at trial, 'Mandalorian' actress fired over 'abhorrent' posts, Sports power couple announces baby girl on way, Tax rule could mean bigger refunds for the savvy, 'I was suffering': Thicke on painkiller abuse, CDC updates quarantine advice for vaccinated people, Silver, NBA taking dreadful step in wrong direction, Strategists behind 'the Squad' launch progressive PAC, Storms march across U.S. with ice, snow and bitter cold, Krispy Kreme owned by ex-NBA star gutted by fire. No? Others would say that Jesus set Christians free from the old laws, highlighting instead that people should love God and their neighbour. If so, do you really think we're the best toys God could make to play with? . It's just the list of sayings I most want to talk about right now. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. He wants us to read it. 20 Bible Verses about Bad Is Good And Good Is Bad John 3:19-20 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. A Bible study on jewelry reveals many other positive examples of jewelry throughout the Bible, as well as neutral and bad examples. I guess it's blaspheming if you're a Christian. So if you're a Christian then you probably shouldn't be saying that you swear to God. Just wait 'til God rips out your heart. The dictionary spells that out clearly, as well. Better say, "I am telling the truth.". If you want the answer to your question, pick up the Holy Bible and read, to get to know and understand Him. All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” (Matthew 5:33-37) The people in Jesus’ day had a practice of making oaths for almost anything. No, of course not. These are things that leave us in shock and in pain. Not that I would excuse myself or anybody else for using a euphemism for "God," because I'm of the opinion if you say "gosh" it is the same as saying "God." He shows us how hard He has fought for us, His own creation, His own family, created in His image. As Christians, Scripture clearly states that we must always be careful on what we say and do. I’m trying to respond here to someone who says, “Well, God doesn’t control everything, but he permits lots of things.” I’m saying that’s right. Its just words and if you dont mean anything by it, why should anyone say its bad? Me. Just about every Christian blogger has done one, and if they haven't, they've thought about it and then thought better of it – because just about every Christian blogger has done one. But it's OK. Me. I guess it's a thing. And the problem with them? People today are so brainwashed, even though they know politicians are paid liars, they STILL want to believe C----? To call upon God to damn something is neither sinful nor unbiblical. There are atheists in church and you honestly think there are no atheists in foxholes?

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