staging table naming conventions

The currency in which the project is managed. The data in these flat files are loaded into work tables, defined staging tables. An example is the table of currency conversion, which is a typical fact table but comprehensive and usable by all the Data Warehouse. W_XACT_TYPE_D is an example of a dimension class table. Global currency. All project directories, in which arrives the flat files coming from the source systems, should also start with '' _ ". All applications will reside within the same schema owner and naming conventions will be used to identify table/index components: Level 1 Data Mart Area (and subsequent levels): In this area there are higher level entities that are derived by the entities of level 0. DIT - Dimensional table - Table for dimensional analysis. These tables are described in Table 4-4. The best way to partition the area into sections, is obviously to identify with the rule of three the different entities that comprise it. The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse supports the following currency preferences. The date and time when the record was initially created in the source system. General tables used to support ETL processing. This column stores the date from which the source record (in the Source system) is effective. However, while doing so, you should consider that attributes specific to a particular logical dimension cannot be defined in this physical table. As your project progresses, you may realize that your early naming conventions become obsolete or misleading. In this situation, one helper table containing multiple records for each parent-child dimension key combination is inserted between the fact and the dimension. Tables used to support the soft delete feature. Currency conversion rate from the document currency code to the GLOBAL2 currency code. The Person star schema supports a many-to-many relationship between Contacts and Accounts. DIV - Dimensional View - view associated with a dimensional table. Most important, name your tables and columns consistently. When you export a project from DEV to QAS - first the staging table names are imported from DEV - then you need to do a synchronisation (system displays automatically this hint) -> new staging tables are beeing generated with naming convention above. The name obtained by following the guidelines of the naming convention is semantically significant, and I believe that if we simply called the entity CUSTOMER, we would have lost in knowledge and context. The unique numeric key (ROW_WID) for each dimension table is generated during the load process. These tables are not queried by end users and are not directly managed by the Oracle Data Warehouse Administration Console (DAC). In many languages, naming conventions (of identifiers) is not really relevant, because the way the language designs namespacing, there is relatively little risk for conflict. The naming convention is a key component of any IT project. You can create a staging server for testing changes to your WebSphere Commerce site before the changes are moved to a production environment. A typical example is the story of an order or an invoice, all summarized in one line. A multi-language support column that holds the description associated with an attribute in all languages supported by the data warehouse. You can add additional transaction types to an existing physical table and so reduce the effort of designing and maintaining new physical tables. Used to store Oracle BI Applications standard or standardized values. The general pattern is to use a prefix with the source system name (can be abbreviated) plus … Another example might be the directories of the database files, of the creation script, etc. Foreign key to the W_USER_D dimension that specifies the user who created the record in the source system. How exposed is certainly not exhaustive of the potential for application of such techniques, nor intends to be a dogma to be followed. The value is extracted from the source (whenever available). Standardized names enhance communications about data within the BI community, from source application developers to BI experts to end users. All metadata structure in the Data Warehouse. The loading processes of the tables of a Data Warehouse, typically is a workflow like the following. General data table typical of staging areas. Stores the date on which the record was last updated in the data warehouse table. Break all objects in areas of membership, allow us to associate them in a single scope, all  the items with similar logical/temporal affinity. In a typical ETL job… Naming and field conventions. 1. Business names:A business name is an English phrase with a specific construction and length that describes a single data object (e.g., table, column name, etc.). Use names based on the business terminology, rather than the source terminology. We should name our staging model sensibly, for example stg_orders_hashed.sql, although any consistent and sensible naming convention will work. We can identify, for example, the following logical areas: Staging Area: In this area we have all the entities that receive the flat data files coming from external systems. Table 4-3 lists the mini-dimension tables in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. It is possible for various dimensions to have one-to-many and many-to-many relationships with each other. This applies only to Project Analytics. Staging table for populating incremental changes into W_DOMAIN_MEMBER_G and W_DOMAIN_MEMBER_G_TL. When a delete event happens, the full extract from the source compares the data previously extracted in the primary extract table to determine if a physical deletion was done in the Siebel application. Naming convention must be established early in the life-cycle of a project. The main purpose of the Staging Layeris to load source data into the EDW environment for further processing (the process from source-to-staging). These kinds of relationships can introduce problems in analyses. FAV - Fact View - Partial view of data in one or more fact tables. Unique identifier of a dimension or fact entity in its source system. Unique identifier for a tenant in a multi-tenant environment. These tables are never truncated during the life of the data warehouse. Staging tables used to hold the metrics being analyzed by dimensions that have not been through the final ETL transformations. Domains and their associated translated values are stored in a single table named W_DOMAIN_MEMBER_LKP_TL. While configuring the presentation layer, the same physical table can be used as a specific logical entity by flag-based filters. Each fact table contains one or more numeric foreign key columns to link it to various dimension tables. In this 21st century, this is the only article that best explains the set of IT Principles being laid down into simpler terms to be read and understood by many, especially non - IT students and enthusiasts. Unfortunately, this is not always feasible. A few weeks ago, I posted an article titled \"Lightning-Fast Access Control Lists in C#\", in which I described a solution for storing and querying permissions in a way that is database-schema agnostic. Fields for which the default value of the relevant ABAP data type (for example NUMC, DATE, or DECIMAL) is not … A value of Y indicates the record is deleted from the source system and logically deleted from the data warehouse. These tables contain intermediate results that are created as part of the conforming process. In a world, all staging tables that will turn into dimensional tables. Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse tables use a three-part naming convention: PREFIX_NAME_SUFFIX, as shown in Table 4-1. The database joins these small tables to the fact tables. For such logical entities, flags have been provided in the corresponding physical table (for example, W_EMPLOYEE_D) to describe the record's participation in business as different roles. I suggest using acronymns at the start of the name and there are some suggestions for these acronymns at the end of this article. Then easily managed with the SQL language. Tables that store the dimension's hierarchical structure. The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse uses suffixes to indicate fields that must contain specific values, as shown in Table 4-6. The second level impacted is the physical file system. Ideas and solutions for the Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence projects in Oracle environment. Pre-staging or post-staging Temporary table (_TMP). For example, we describe all electronic assets coming into the same staging table – computers, phones, tablets, thin clients – as “Computers”. The 'external table’ is a very useful feature of Oracle by which a flat file is seen in effect as a table. The data mart is a "logical subset of the complete Data Warehouse" as shown by R. Kimball in his book [1]. Appendix 2. This flag is typically critical for Type II slowly changing dimensions, as records in a Type II situation tend to be numerous. Contain the metrics being analyzed by dimensions. My experience about the design of several Data Warehouses, provided me a very clear indication. The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse uses a standard prefix to indicate fields that must contain specific values, as shown in Table 4-5. My answer for that is that staging databases should be designed to match the destination structure, the DW. OBIA Application - Naming convention Articles Related Suffixes Table Table Types Used by the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Table Suffix Description Aggregate tables (_A) Contain summed (aggregated) data. Typical of the staging areas. Prefix: Manufacturer_Country table which consist on map fields should be prefixed with Map_Manufacturer_Country. The currency in which the transaction was done and the related document created. They also simplify the source object to a form that is consumable by the warehouse needed for multiple target objects. Data Warehouse is a huge help to all IT experts. For example the personal data codes and their natural attributes of the customers, the product codes, etc. Note that there are two types of delete tables: _DEL and _PE. This may be different from the functional currency. The staging table structure is independent of source data structures and resembles the structure of data warehouse tables. This allows queries to be run for all subordinates by specifying only the parent in the dimension. In the example where an Opportunity can be associated with many Sales Representatives, only the Primary Sales Representative is associated with that Opportunity. For example, W_%_CODE (Warehouse Conformed Domain) and W_TYPE, W_INSERT_DT (Date records inserted into Warehouse). To request a new application name, system name, or abbreviation, fill out the EDSS Support Form ; under "Application", select Naming. Enabling custom tables for staging If you have customized your database schema by creating new tables and you want to stage these custom tables, perform the following steps for each custom table you want to stage. FMV - Fact materialized views - materialized view built on one or more fact tables. In other words, the Staging Layer is responsible for the physical movement of data from the source platform onto the EDW platform. The naming convention is a key component of any IT At this point we need a coding rule. Tables that store many-to-many relationships between two joining dimension tables. Naming convention is necessary, it will helps to developers as well as business users. CRM currency. Level 0 Data Mart Area: In this area there are all entities which contain the data cleaned and dimensionalized by the load process. These system fields are populated automatically and should not be modified by the user. Code used in Project Analytics that corresponds to the project currency in the OLTP system. FFT - Factless Fact Table. Setting up staging models¶ First we create a new dbt model. For each record in the dimension table, you will see multiple records in the associated translation table (one record for each supported language). Or a list of days (linked to the time dimension) representing all the state changes of an object or a process. Table 4-2 Table Types Used in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. Contract currency. Tables that store IDs of the entities that were physically deleted from the source system and should be flagged as deleted from the data warehouse. An effective naming convention certainly provides all the tools needed to control the Data Warehouse, in terms of knowledge, management and maintenance. Currency conversion rate from document currency code to the GLOBAL3 currency code. 3.3.3 - The sections of the level 1 Data Mart area. Table 4-7 lists the system columns used in data warehouse dimension tables. The full list of step naming conventions is available in . This chapter includes information on the types of tables and columns in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, including the naming conventions used. Oracle DBA's must pay careful attention to the structure and naming conventions and naming standards within the database. The staging table structure is independent of source data structures and resembles the structure of data warehouse tables. Warehouse Table Naming Conventions These conventions are based upon Oracle’s BI Applications standards. The choice of the project code has immediate and important consequences that impact at different levels. Therefore, the primary extract tables are not populated until you enable the soft delete feature. The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse stores up to three group currencies. Usually, the naming convention is the method by which you decide to name of the various entities of the OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) or DSS (Decision Support System) system that you are designing. In fact it does not matter which choice you start to partition the system or how its components are classified, but it is important to apply a standardization method. Project currency. Various logical dimensions are separated by a separator column, such as, type or category. This key is used to join each dimension table with its corresponding fact table or tables. A value of N indicates that the record is active. Are basically tables that contain metrics, rate, or other measures, with their natural production codes not transformed in artificial keys. Steve Feuerstein has these notes on PL/SQL naming conventions. This is really an insight to be read. Each area has specific characteristics, so that even the process of partitioning areas in the sections is specific to each area. Mandatory fields . Staging tables for Dimension Helper (_DHLS). Foreign key to the W_USER_D dimension that specifies the user who last modified the record in the source system. Let's see. In every dimension table, the ROW_WID value of zero is reserved for Unspecified. Use COMMN_ as prefix for shared workflows, used across projects, _COMMN_ when used in multiple jobs within a given project. Taking the example of the flat data files feeding the Data Warehouse, often producing subsytems can be different, each generating different data. Inserted between the fact and dimension tables to support a many-to-many relationship between fact and dimension records. According to that naming convention, the APPLICATIONS table would be called APPLICATIONS_TAB. Table and column names: Should contain only letters, numbers and underscores (no special characters or spaces). One of the main uses of a data warehouse is to sum up fact data with respect to a given dimension, for example, by date or by sales region. Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse tables contain system fields. The primary group reporting currency code for the group of companies or organizations in which the document was created. PSF - Periodic Snapshot Fact table. Names must meet the requirements of their specific resource type. After this brief interlude, we return to the speech left open, that is the connection of the ETL process with our naming convention. After choosing the code project, each entity will be named with that project code followed by underscore "_". Recommended naming conventions for Azure resources. This is a flag for marking dimension records as "Y" in order to represent the current state of a dimension entity. ". In other star schemas, however, querying returns only the primary account for a given contact. This information allows users to drill up and down through the hierarchy in reports. In an analysis that includes both Opportunity and Sales Representative, only a single Opportunity will display and a count of Opportunities returns the correct result. This column stores the date from which the dimension record is effective. In the part 1, the application of the Naming Convention techniques had as its privileged object the tables, certainly the basic entities of a information system. Having naming standards helps to achieve efficient use and reuse of data through better understanding of what data is in the system. Use naming conventions for your tasks and components. Therefore, when querying the Person star schema on both Accounts and Contacts, every combination of Account and Contact is returned. If one or more dimensions for a given record in a fact table is unspecified, the corresponding key fields in that record are set to zero. These tables are typically tagged as _DS or _FS. These tables have a one-to-many relationship with the dimension table. These need to be pre-configured so as to allow global reporting by the different currencies. The Analytic Data Warehouse (ADW) is an arbitrary name for the performance layer of your data-warehouse. To support a many-to-many relationship between fact and dimension records, a helper table is inserted between the fact and dimension tables. In a typical dimensional schema, fact records join to dimension records with a many-to-one relationship. The CRM corporate currency as defined in the Fusion CRM application. Correspond to the _WID columns of the corresponding _F table. In the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, the aggregate tables have been suffixed with _A. and effective Data Warehouse design. In this area there are the data marts whose content is not immediately derivable from a data mart level 0, but consists of data taken by several lower-level data marts or obtained by processes that do not make a trivial aggregate calculation. Used to generate records for the Day dimension. Likewise, consistent naming conventions make resources easiler to locate. Include combinations of the most queried attributes of their parent dimensions. All structures associated with the log of the ETL process. Using acronyms very intuitive, like STA, DM0, DM1, COM obtain as indicated in Figure 1. Helper tables are used by the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse to solve complex problems that cannot be resolved by simple dimensional schemas. Name every workflow with __ as a prefix. The logical lartitioning of the entities that we do in fact, is precisely focused on the process described above. This flag indicates the deletion status of the record in the source system. I am getting bored, please fchat with me ;) ;) ;) …████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████. Tables containing the necessary columns for the ETL transformations. No "create ..." will be possible without these decisions. From what I understand “Computer” would comply better with standard naming conventions , but having an object named COMPUTER with an attribute like COMPUTER_NAME doesn't make sense since we're storing data on a variety of devices. Table 4-2 lists the types of tables used in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. A typical example is the bank account: it is possible to construct a monthly summaries supplied by the basic fact table where there are details of each movement performed on the bank account. Table 4-1 Naming Conventions for Oracle Business Analytics Data Warehouse Tables. We have defined a name to these entities in their easier form (table), in their aggregate form (materialized view or summary table… Column used as a generic field for customer extensions. This allows queries to retrieve facts for any given dimension value. This is a key area because it found space all the basic fact tables, that are those with the most detailed granularity of the information. If your analysis includes both Opportunities and Sales Representatives, a count of Opportunities would not be accurate because the same Opportunity would be counted for each Sales Representative with which it is associated. Currency conversion rate from the document currency code to the Global1 currency code. This column is the unique identifier for the specific ETL process used to create or update this data. At times there is a requirement to query facts related to the children of a given parent in the dimension by only specifying the parent value (example: manager's sales fact that includes sales facts of the manager's subordinates). The soft delete feature is disabled by default. Currency conversion rate from the document currency code to the local currency code. You can accept the default name or enter a new name for the library. The table includes all the primary key columns (integration ID column) from the source system. Hierarchy tables have a suffix of _DH. Staging layer naming standards The names here are straightforward since this layer consists of only tables (views) that represent raw data from source systems. This is my second time that I've read an article about naming convention techniques in programming and in any given IT projects. Some dimension tables have hierarchies into which each record rolls. A value is either assigned by Oracle BI Applications or extracted from the source. Cons: Suppose, your naming convention is to have the '_TAB' suffix for all tables. Identifier generated by Oracle Business Intelligence linking dimension and fact tables, except for ROW_WID. The staging tables for the Usage Accelerator are tagged as WS_. One of the pitfalls of the original Dewey Decimal Classification as a library naming convention is the fact that it tends to reflect any biases in its organizational structure. staging tables naming convention is: /LT1/DS< consecutive number>. It can be argued that the best rule to identify the project code is the "rule of three.". EDT - External Data Table. Document currency. For example, if a particular star schema requires Buyer as a dimension, the Employee table can be used with a filter where the Buyer flag is set to Y. For more information about the _DEL table type, see the row for Delete table (_DEL) in this table. Returning to the source data files that load a Staging Area table, if the subsystem Profit and Loss  provide us the customer informations, its logical name will be “CUST” and its complete name will be: Now you might think of getting our initial goal. Two points: 1- We want the staging database to match the most stable data structure, to minimize the developments. DAT - Data Table. Reset the status of a data record Concept similar to the previous but applied to the fact tables. These are truncated only during full load, and therefore, persist the data throughout. Typical examples of these sections are the following: The dimensions of analysis present in the Data Warehouse, are not specific to a Data Mart, but they are shared by many data marts. Along with this, your blog helped me in maintaining the high quantity of data accurately. Table 4-3 Mini-Dimension Tables in Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. Tables that provide multi-language support for dimensions. Also, if a particular logical dimension has a large number of records, it might be a good design practice to define a separate physical table for that particular logical entity. Tables containing information that is not bounded in transactional database data but should be treated as bounded data in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. The date and time when the record was last modified in the source system. The choice of a name for any resource in Microsoft Azure is important because: It is difficult to change a name at a later time. This staging data (list of values translations, computations, currency conversions) is transformed and loaded to the dimension and fact staging tables. Consider emptying the staging table before and after the load. This column stores the date up to which the source record (in the Source system) is effective. If, for example, we have three subsystem like sales, accounting and logistical movements, the approach can be as follows: 3.3.2 - The sections of the level 0 Data Mart area. Make sure the key fields and mandatory fields contain valid data. This approach does not help a great deal at design-time where the tasks and components are easily identifiable but can be invaluable at debug-time and run-time. Fact table without numeric information. Stores all the domain members and value for each installed language. Schema, table and column names should be in snake_case. In this area we associate all entities that are common to the entire project and not connected to one of the areas described above. In 20 minutes. Local currency. When the ETL process runs, staging tables are truncated before they are populated with change capture data. This column stores the date up to which the dimension record is effective. Tables store names and descriptions in the languages supported by Oracle BI Applications. stg_orders_hashed.sql The third level impacted concern documentation and deliverables. They improve query performance because the database does not need to join the fact tables to the big parent dimensions but can join these small tables to the fact tables instead. A class table is a single physical table that can store multiple logical entities that have similar business attributes. There are two types of hierarchies in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse: a structured hierarchy in which there are fixed levels, and a hierarchy with parent-child relationships. project. Shows Oracle Business Analytics-specific data warehouse application tables. Performing this summation on-demand is resource-intensive, and slows down response time. Each of us, based on its experience, can build own naming convention according to their needs and according to their intuition. If, for example, we have defined our project as "Intelligent Enterprise Data Warehouse," it is unthinkable to use 38 characters as project code.

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