which topics should be discussed in the sprint review

Q: Two ways how Dev Teams can ensure a good application architecture? the system should be secure, extensible and have acceptable performance. Thank you so much Mikhail for setting up the quizzes and all the discussions on this blog, they were extremely helpful and I felt well prepared in two weeks. The Development Team may invite other people to attend the Sprint Planning in order to provide technical or domain advice. Mikhail: The Scrum Guide itself does not contain details about the Scrum Values. Sprint: Timeboxing is used to define the length of the Sprint. … Development team should be using tools, process and techniques approved by organization and if there is any hindrance the scrum master should notice this as impediment and talk to respective stakeholders? Definitely, the exam contains questions on burn down charts and the cone of uncertainty. “the Development Team of the Scrum Team must define a definition of “Done” appropriate for the product.”, “This is the definition of “Done” for the Scrum Team and is used to assess when work is complete on the product Increment.” 42. Correct Answer for the Question – Which topics should be discussed in the Sprint Review? Mikhail: The correct answer is C “as soon as possible”. F) Good enough. Can you please throw some light on the answers to these questions? Is this an anti scrum pattern? Courage The PO and the Dev Team should agree on this. Mikhail: All the options related to self-organization are correct: B, D and E. Mikhail: Of course the answer is “True”. It divides the Key Stakeholders into three broad categories: A Key Stakeholder is a person external to the Scrum Team with a specific interest in and knowledge of a product that is required for incremental discovery. removing technical debt, they can be introduced by the Development Team into their own Sprint Backlog, if they think such stories are necessary in order to help mitigate a technical risk. This could apply to our technical work, our decisions, or how we conduct ourselves. E) Wrong because the Dev Team owns the Sprint Backlog. C) The Development Team includes not only developers but also business analysts, architects,developers and testers. The Scrum Guide states: Mikhail: A is correct. Productivity will decrease because the first team should spend time on interaction with the other team and resolve dependencies. Q: Communications between the development team and stakeholders. As long as the team creates increments according to the DoD, it can use any techniques, tools, etc. There is no need to wait for the Daily Scrum to approve it. The name of this activity is Product Backlog Refinement. What do you say in a sprint retrospective? When elements of the plan are deemed unnecessary, they are removed.“ How long does it take for water beads to shrink? The Scrum Guide says: Teams in Scrum are self-organizing and cross-functional. So it seems there is no quiz engine bug. 47. Mikhail: No, the statement is incorrect. Likewise, within a sprint, only certain accessibility tasks may be targeted. Mikhail: This question is about handling external dependencies in Scrum. Q: Which topics should be discussed in the Sprint Review? B) It reduces long-term operational costs Hi Mikhail, It means it contains results only of “Done” PB items. The Key Stakeholders are allowed to participate only in the Sprint Review meeting. You can also check my answer for 9. Thanks for your blog, I Passed the PSM1 exam on 25/03/2018 with 98.80%, this blog has played very important role in passing PSM1 exam. With bigger backlogs it becomes harder to order the items and find dependencies. first thanks to all your effort regarding Scrum – with your work you are a valuable part of the Scrum distribution in the world. For a one month sprint, the maximum event time is 3 hours. Are you completely sure you selected all the options? However, it is worth to understand what’s going on before this. Mikhail: The best option is D. Scrum recognizes just one role “Developer” within the Development Team. 1) Scrum doesn’t have PMs (choose 2 answers) With better estimations the Development Team can better plan which items can be completed in the upcoming Sprint. The PB is the source for the Sprint Backlog. PO thinks the team cannot deliver a story, 56. So, he or she should spend enough time (but not all the time) with the DT to meet that commitment. Q: Optimal backlog size. B) Increase * Product Marketplace Angry stakeholders. C and D are absent in this list. 72. However, it is A. So, D. option would be great for the Sprint Retrospective meeting, but it is wrong for this question. 2. a) Tell the PO that dev team owns the DoD and it is their duty to decide on acceptable performance standard Other considerations. Mikhail: So, the best time to change the DoD is at the Retrospective right before the next Sprint. 1) How to divide a hundred of developers into teams? Here was my experience for those 60 minutes – I was done with all 80 questions within 40 mins but I marked around 20 questions for review. But definitely not by making something prescriptive. By tracking the remaining work throughout the Sprint, the Development Team can manage its progress. Can the PO measure success by team velocity? The PO explains the requirements to the Dev Team. Q: Sprint goal is the result of sprint planning, just as Sprint backlog? Does PB contain only functional requirements? No one tell the Dev team how to turn Product backlog into increment of potentially releasable functionality. * The entire group collaborates on what to do next, so that the Sprint Review provides valuable input to subsequent Sprint Planning; The Product Owner is the Lead Facilitator of Key Stakeholder Involvement. Tell him to act as team player and comply to team decision. One of the main ideas in Scrum is that the PO is the only responsible person for the Product Backlog. It looks like the question could be improved. During the Sprint Review, Sprint Backlog items delivered during the sprint are demonstrated and inspected. How many calories are in drunken noodles? A typo above. There is no goal in Scrum to meet the forecasted velocity by any price. to some feature), most likely the requirements should be processed as a sub-task within this feature instead of the DoD. It looks like these questions came from some other open Scrum test that shows the correct answers. D) The best option here d. is wrong because the PO cannot introduce the features at the Daily Scrum because he or she does not participate in it Coding and engineering practices. * If the DoD is strengthen in a middle of a Sprint, it could affect the Sprint Goal because items from the Sprint Backlog will require more time to be completed. So, all the teams should integrate their increments by the end of each Sprint. Mikhail: The same as in question #36, the answer will include some of these: commitment, courage, focus, openness and respect. Mikhail: The Scrum Guide says: “When the values of commitment, courage, focus, openness and respect are embodied and lived by the Scrum Team, the Scrum pillars of transparency, inspection, and adaptation come to life and build trust for everyone.” Mikhail: The Scrum Guide contains: “Only the Development Team can change its Sprint Backlog during a Sprint. Archana. Mikhail: Of course, the PO needs to bring up the concerns to the team. All the topics related to the development process are discussed at the Sprint Retrospective. So, Refinement takes as much time as the PO and the DT agree. The Sprint Retrospective For example, communicating with Key Stakeholders. For this question, as you have commented, the correct answer in the real test will be A & B? In order for value to actually be captured, a release of the product must occur. At the Sprint Review event, business people and all representatives outside your Scrum team review what has been achieved and let you know that they have no questions or any other comments or suggestions, and prepare to leave the meeting. Now planning for PSPO1. The Product Owner tracks this total work remaining at least every Sprint Review. So, the PO does not change the DoD. The most discernible activity during a sprint review is a demonstration of the functionality built during the sprint. 23. 1) Communications between the development team and stakeholder during a Sprint. Checkout the Solution: Retrospective is the final team meeting in sprint that brings an opportunity for scrum team to inspect what is done during the sprint and adapt what is really working. Scrum does not have separate teams for business analysts. Which topics should be discussed in the Sprint Review? The Organization CEO. The Scrum Guide says “Product Backlog refinement is the act of adding detail, estimates, and order to items in the Product Backlog. Never above a hundred or so items. Both the sprint review and the sprint retrospective are scrum ceremonies used around the world by production teams. D) The best option. Stakeholders at PBL refinement sessions? C is good because the bigger part of interaction with the Key Stakeholders happens at the Sprint Review meeting. D) Budget spent Wrong because management is not part of Scrum This is an ongoing process in which the Product Owner and the Development Team collaborate on the details of Product Backlog items.” The PO is responsible for the product value and how it is represented to the team. If there are some “Developer Stories”, i.e. Sprint Review meeting is carried out once the Sprint has been done. * Scope may be clarified and re-negotiated between the Product Owner and Development Team as more is learned. The PO comes to the Sprint Planning with an idea for the Sprint Goal and then all the Scrum Team crafts the final version of the Goal. 12. What led to this? A) Each task is estimated in hours. Mikhail: A. I understand the point they are trying to make but the use of the word NEVER can be confusing. Increase in team’s velocity shows that the Dev Team became more mature and can do more in the same time frame. So, the DoD is for the whole Scrum Team. Mikhail: Let’s go through all the options: Motivation, which leads to an enhanced performance level of the team. A product backlog item should contain everything necessary to be understood by any member of the Scrum Team. Sprint review meetings. The answer is “The PO and the DT with permission of the PO.”. Mikhail: Scrum addresses the most of the risks involved in software development. The Scrum Guide answers: “Only members of the Development Team create the Increment.” The question asks about the direct work. My best options are below: Mikhail: The Scrum Guide advises optimal team size of 3 to 9 people. The continuation of the project and its financing should rather be discussed at a high management level and not go into detail with the team at Sprint review. D is partially correct because the PO should communicate his product vision not only to the Key Stakeholders, but also to the Scrum Team. For example, if in Sprint 1 the team completed 25 story points, in Sprint 2 they completed 35, and in Sprint 3 they completed 30, the velocity would be 30. The Product Owner is the sole person responsible for managing the Product Backlog… The Product Owner may do the above work, or have the Development Team do it. Q:… Product Backlog is never complete. Mikhail: The DoD helps to reveal the work necessary to complete a PB item. The only way to meet such requirements is to have them as a part of the DoD and check every Increment against these criteria. Experience of the SM. Usually the emphasis is placed on having a shared Definition of Done. E) How frequently the product should be released. Because all teams in Scrum are self-organizing, the developers should do it themselves. So even though I selected the development team I would also argue that the product owner + development team create the increment. Though the explanation mentions 1 &2 as the answer for this but shouldn’t option 3 also be the answer for this question. All of the above. This is when a lot of things can be balanced. Which two things should the development team do during the first sprint? A sprint is a specific amount of days for a team to work at a sustainable pace to finish select work. Why is it so? However, the PO should have the final word. It might seem a little unnecessary, but it’s good to get verbal commitments from everyone in the room, explaining what they’re doing, why, and the goal. There the manager will see what was completed in the Sprint, what is the feedback from the Key Stakeholders, what are the priorities for the next Sprint, get some review of the timeline and budget. I agree, at the Sprint Review the PO explains what Product Backlog items have been “Done” and what has not been “Done”. - ANS -> Sprint results How is management external to the Scrum Team involved in the Daily Scrum? * Correct. A and B are wrong because teams are self-organizing. Can you please write something on Questions Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6. 25 + 35 + 30 = 90/3 = 30 . Mikhail: At first glance it seems that answer should be B. –Mikhail. Thanks a lot Keep up the good work. 2) Backlog size : I have seen articles stating the backlog should not grow excessively large. Please review these questions and their explanations. The PO must be the arbiter of product value and how it is represented to the team. It looks like your confusion is like this: Of course the answer is “Yes”. If you see something similar one more time, let me know. b) Advise the product owner that the dev team owns the Sprint Backlog and it is up to them to meet the commitment. C and D answers are similar. Incorrect I see the options fit well with my answer: 1) Scrum doesn’t have PMs Mikhail: The most important individuals for maximizing value for the Product are the Key Stakeholders. UI markup to better understand a Product feature? Will be viewing this whenever any doubts. D. Only at the end of the last sprint. Mikhail: The correct answer is A. A. One of my larger enterprise projects that had 1000’s of user / stakeholders throughout the world I set up a system that allowed anyone to write the initial PBI into the system. In a short term the productivity will decrease because the new teams will spend time to get up to speed with the Product. Q4) Which two (2) metrics will help a Product Owner establish that value is being delivered? However, any member of the Scrum Team can interact with them any time. ( I SELECTED SPRINT REVIEW & SPRINT PLANNING – BUT MY ANSWER WAS INCORRECT, i double checked my selections ). a) is not a good option. The Scrum Guide clarifies it: The Sprint Backlog is a highly visible, real-time picture of the work that the Development Team plans to accomplish during the Sprint, and it belongs solely to the Development Team.” It is also a time to adapt the backlog based on feedback. Sprint Review Execution Steps Step 1: Prepare for the sprint review meeting. The answer is D. Mikhail: True (A). He asks the Dev Team to produce Increments that meet the non-functional requirements. It is meant to inspect the Increment and adapt the Product Backlog if necessary. Budget, velocity and productivity do not contribute directly to capturing Product value. Mikhail: I agree with you. Does Hermione die in Harry Potter and the cursed child? Mikhail: There are several possible good answers. Thanks for using my quizzes and your questions. There was immense value to this since the user base (stakeholders) were spread across the globe and it would not be realistic to have everything sent to the P.O. I agree with you. a) Raise a concern to HR and get Jason removed from the team. For example, the Product should be secure and extensible. All the previous work is required for the Increment done in this Sprint to have value and to be potentially releasable There is no “Business Analyst” role in Scrum. While similar – in that they both take place at the end of the sprint – they are separate and distinct exercises and should always be treated as such. I do not like this question much because of the ambiguous wording. Who will resolve the conflicts with in Development team? The SM may have some coaching duties to perform in that regard. Probably there are better answers. For example at Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service-oriented_architecture, Mikhail: The idea is simple. Note, “Right as per test” are written by the post author. Copyright 2020 FindAnyAnswer All rights reserved. For teams that are new to sprint reviews, there’s a strong temptation to bleed sprint review into the retrospective. the process coding practices all of the above Sprint results Correct Answer The Correct Answer for this Question is Sprint results Explanation The Question – Which topics should be … I hope to pass it tomorrow morning! The sprint review meeting, or sprint demo as it is commonly called, is held at the end of each sprint and is time-boxed at up to four hours. Correct Usually there are many ways to solve the inefficiencies. Mikhail: in accordance with the first question the answers, I think, should be B and E. It can be unfair and even harmful. The Product Owner wants to apply some non-functional requirements… The best way is to add the non-functional requirements to the DoD… The Dev Team is responsible for the DoD. Product ownership is not a committee. The scope of the next Sprint will be defined at the following Sprint Planning. ; Explain what will be reviewed and what will NOT: Mikhail: It is because of two reasons: The Scrum Guide explains it in this way: “Other than the Sprint itself, which is a container for all other events, each event in Scrum is a formal opportunity to inspect and adapt something.”. As work is performed or completed, the estimated remaining work is updated. A) Developers on the Development Team work closely with business analysts, architects, developers and testers who are not on the team. While attempting the PSM1 exam, did anyone encounter questions on Velocity or burn down charts or estimation? The Scrum Guide says “The Increment is the sum of all the Product Backlog items completed during a Sprint and the value of the increments of all previous Sprints. At the Sprint Review, the Scrum Master identifies what has been “done” and what has not been “done”. Many people ask me questions on different Scrum topics. What do you discuss at a bridesmaids meeting? (MY ANSWER – SPRINT PLANNING, SPRINT REVIEW ), The Sprint Planning Scrum Team artifacts should be transparent. For me the development team implements PBI that are part of the increment but the actual creation to me includes the product owner that put forward PBI’s that are important. These people may be internal or external to the Organization. E) It is likely to increase customer satisfaction. If an item is not finished, it can’t be a part of the Increment. So, certainly the PO is responsible for this. So, the correct answers are c and d. The development team’s preparation time for the sprint meeting should not be more than an hour or two. The meeting itself should be strictly time boxed to no more than an hour per week of Sprint. difference is in PARTICIPATE (like only Development Team can PARTICIPATE in Daily Scrum but PO can attend), I do agree with you for “It is Never complete – This is ambiguous”. PO does not evaluate the created PBIs. The Scrum Guide gives a bit more details about a PBI: it should have the attributes of a description, order, estimate, and value. E is wrong because all the Scrum Team members can see the Product Backlog. It is worth to get a high level view of SOA, or at least read its definition. 3) Share the current roadblocks … The Scrum Guide completely clarifies them: “The Development Team modifies the Sprint Backlog throughout the Sprint, and the Sprint Backlog emerges during the Sprint. 46. In which meetings the Key Stakeholders are allowed to participate? the system should be secure, extensible and have acceptable performance. Scrum is not a simple thing. The PO participates in the Sprint Planning. 6. - ANS-> The Development Team self-manages and is … Mikhail: The answers are A and B. Mikhail: A) Correct. What went wrong in the last Sprint and what to do differently thisContinue reading Q2: What belongs solely to the Development Team? At the end of the meeting, the team determines how they'll handle the listed items. So, the manager from the question is an external person for the team. Sprint Results The Development Team informs the Scrum Master that the IT manager has asked for a status report during the Sprint. How to address non-functional requirements? Effective sprint reviews build up the morale and motivation of the team. There is a good article at Scrum.org that explains everything about the Key Stakeholders. Also the PO can bring some non-functional requirements for the product and the Dev Team usually applies them via DoD. So, ideally the teams should do it. “As new work is required, the Development Team adds it to the Sprint Backlog.” C. is good because the bigger part of interaction with the Key Stakeholders happens at the Sprint Review meeting. C) Decrease, 2) What should be taken into the account when choosing the Sprint length? 2. 2. List the topics to be discussed in the meeting as agenda topics. Value, as defined in a Scrum context, is the financial (or social) benefit an organization receives or might receive by creating and releasing the product under development. Your job as the Scrum Master is to clarify it and facilitate coming to a solution. So, every Increment will be validated against these requirements. All the topics related to the development process are discussed at the Sprint Retrospective. Create a new Item for every requirement in the Product Backlog Hi @Mikhail & Om: Focus But Development Team(DT) is responsible for implementation or increment (Design, codding, testing) of those PBI. The Key Stakeholders are people outside of the Scrum Team, so in the second question they are allowed to participate in the Sprint Planning, in the question #1 they are not. b. In this tutorial, we have discussed all five Scrum Events i.e Sprint, Sprint Planning, Daily Standup, Sprint Review and Sprint … Thank you for using my quizzes and your words. As topics come up that a team member believes warrants further discussion, they can quietly walk to a whiteboard or flipchart and list the topic in the parking lot. Thank you for the feedback and clarification. Q6) What does it mean for a Development Team to be cross-functional? A: Form 1-2 teams of best developers for implementing the core, add more teams later. However, why the PO is not mentioned here? The Scrum Guide clarifies this: The resources necessary for implementation are always limited. Congrats with passing the exam! A) Managed by the Product Owner. For example, a Product Backlog can contain knowledge acquisition tasks, prototyping, technical chores etc. B) Wrong because the team cannot foresee all the work in the beginning of a Sprint The Scrum Guide contains: You should bring it up in the next Retrospective and try to come to a solution that everyone is happy with. But there are better choices. Which topics should be discussed in the Sprint Review? I completely agree that any valuable idea how to make the product better should be added to the backlog. I have a question on the following: “The Sprint Backlog is the set of Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint, plus a plan for delivering the product Increment and realizing the Sprint Goal.” It is not written in the Guide, but in fact, when the Increment is created, it does not belong to the Dev Team anymore. This emergence occurs as the Development Team works through the plan and learns more about the work needed to achieve the Sprint Goal.”, A) Wrong because there is no requirement to have estimation in hours D. Market research results and analyst reports. But, a good sprint review includes more than just a demo. During this meeting, the Scrum team shows what they accomplished during the sprint. Thus, you won't have enough information to write a successful paper. They have a duty to ensure that the information they act on is obtained in a timely fashion and with minimal filtering. This emergence occurs as the Development Team works through the plan and learns more about the work needed to achieve the Sprint Goal. Courage: Why is the Increment the sum of all previous Increments? Mikhail: The difference between “participate” (come to the meeting and speak) and “attend” (come to the meeting, but not speak) is a bit difficult. Build a thin slice of potentially ship-able functionality. The Product Owner compares this amount with work remaining at previous Sprint Reviews to assess progress toward completing projected work by the desired time for the goal.”. What to do and who will do it.B . The PO should identify and involve them as necessary throughout the development effort. Sales Executive or Sales Leader (specific interest in and knowledge of the Product) The Product Owner should be expertly aware of the marketplace for the product. a) Talk to the Dev team, challenge and inspire them to complete all the work so that they meet their commitment to the PO and have the forecasted velocity. Mikhail: c. is definitely correct because the Product Backlog is the single source of requirements for any changes to be made to the product. Mikhail: The Product Owner is responsible for this. Scrum guarantees the best possible value will be delivered in the specified time frame. The Scrum Guide contains: “A Product Backlog is never complete.” I understand this as in the real world products are not ideal. C. The productivity of the first team remains unchanged. How does DoD help in Sprint Planning? 24. Who are the participants of Sprint Review? So, the answer is not a simple “yes/no”. Only the Development Team can change its Sprint Backlog during a Sprint. I see your suggest answer is written down is “Right as per test:…” It means some correct answer does not exactly in the real test? So, the correct answer for this question is C. Sprint Results. Only members of the Development Team participate in the Daily Scrum. See 11. Both B and D answers are equal and are not the best option. However, he can delegate this work to the Development Team. In Scrum, each sprint is required to deliver a potentially shippable product increment. Frequently key stakeholders do not know exactly what they want and how it can be achieved. Mikhail: Actually, it is easy to answer using the Nexus Guide. There is no a formal event for this purpose. The PO is responsible for the product value and how it is represented to the team. * Quality goals do not decrease; and, Please, do not post questions with answer options. * Scrum Teams are self-organizing, so they can handle this for themselves. Q: How to divide a hundred of developers into teams ? I cleared the exam on 14th march with 78 points (97.5%). B) It increases customer satisfaction * Key Stakeholder Involvement

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